Chapter 11

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*Your POV*
I was in the middle of getting changed back into my clothes, so I could go home, because I can leave today!

Well yeah, I was getting changed and Jack and a nurse walked in...Well I had no top on...or Bra...I was in the middle of changing it...Just my luck.

I quickly threw my hands to cover myself, and ducked behind the bed so you could only see my head, whilst they stood there with their jaws dropped and both going bright red.

The nurse just turned around and left and Jack just stood there still with his Jaw dropped, probably with embarrassment.

I was just ducked behind the bed, completely naked on the top half of my body and Jack was stood looking at me, red faced and with his Jaw probably half way to china by now, and I was probably bright red by now too.

"Urm...Jack?"I asked nervously.
He quickly stopped staring at me and closed his jaw quickly.
"I am So sorry, I didn't realise you were-"
"It's fine Jack, actually it's quite funny...but can you leave or at least turn around so I can put on some clothes please?"I asked.
"Oh shit, sorry yeah...just come get me when you are done I will be outside"He replied awkwardly leaving.
Well that was rather amusing.
I quickly put on a bra and examined my bandage, that was wrapped around my stomach, for a while before putting on my top and went to get Jack from outside.
"Done"I told him poking my head outside the door to the room.
"Sorry about walking in on you"Jack apologised rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's alright"I replied.
" everything?"He asked.
"Yup"I said popping the P.
"Alright let's go, but first you have to speak to the nurse to also walked in on you getting changed"Jack explained.
"Okay"I said rather excited.
I was happy to get out of this place and go back home.
"Someone's happy?"Jack said nudging my arm.
"Yeah, me because I finally get to go home"I replied smiling.
"Haha, cute"Jack said.
"I know"I joked flicking my hair.
We approached the nurse and she said "Ah Miss ____, You are going hone now I take it...So I need you to do a few things for me...and can you make sure to look after Miss ____ for a couple of days until she is fully recovered"She directed at Jack.
He nodded and then she continued
"I need you to check your bandage for me, just check it once a day, you don't need to change in unless it goes a yellow colour because we don't want to cause an infection, also take these pills twice a day, one when you get up and one before you go to bed take them for a week and that is when the pain should ease up, keep a bandage on your wound until it's healed over, so about a week and don't do anything need to just rest to let your wound heal"She then handed me the pills and a few bandages and a few other patches or whatever and smiled.
"Bye Miss ____, and Mr look after her, she doesn't want to re-open that wound"She added.
We both nodded and we left the hospital...finally.

The car journey was silent but a comfortable one.
We soon got home and Jack helped me inside and onto the sofa.
"Thank youuuuuu"I said to him.
"No problem, if you need anything just let me know okay?"He said.
"I am just going to record and then we can go on our picnic, if you want to and are feeling up to it"He added.
"Of course I'm up for it" I told him.
"Great, see you in a bit, remember I will be in my room if you need anything just call me...okay"He said going upstairs to his room.
"Okay"I replied.
But I don't think he heard me.
I just sat back on the sofa and closed my eyes, and I guess I fell asleep.

"You ready to go?" Jack asked.
"Yup"I replied. i stood up, and my stomach didn't hurt anymore, Jack went and got his rucksack and we left for our picnic.
We went to this cute little field where there was no one around.

Jack got out a blanket from his rucksack and laid it down so we could sit on it, we both then sat down on it and Jack put food down on the blanket for us to eat. It was mainly cookies, or cake.
"It's so cute here, like the view"I said.
Jack was just staring at he was daydreaming.
"Yeah the view is cute, and beautiful"He replied snapping out of his daydream thing.
This made me go a bright red.
"You okay there Jack...You had a random staring moment there?"I asked.
"Oh...urm...yeah sorry just stuck in thought"He replied also going red.
"Oh okay, but thank you for taking me on this was really sweet of you"I said and lent over to kiss his cheek but right at the last second he moved and I full on kissed him.
His lips were so soft, it was perfect but unfortunately it had to end and just as it did...I felt someone behind me poke my shoulder repeatedly, and then I collapsed to the floor.

I opened my eyes quickly to see Jack stood in front of me.
"I'm sorry...about waking you up...I just wanted to let you know that I finished recording.."Jack said smiling.
"It's fine really, It doesn't bother me that you woke me up, I won't kill you today"I joked.
His eyes just widened.
"I was joking"I said now uncontrollably laughing.
"Oh.."he replied going red, then laughing along with me.
When we both calmed down and stopped laughing Jack said.
"Do you want to go for our picnic?"
"Hells yeah"I replied.
So Jack helped me up and grabbed his rucksack...put on his beanie and we headed out the door to go for a picnic...What I don't get is why was I dreaming about what I did...I mean I know I have a crush on Jack...and have done for a while now...but dreaming about going on a picnic with him and kissing him...I mean it was great and all but what if I slept talked...and I just don't get why I dreamt it?
I never have before.
Me and Jack soon got to this little forest entrance, and then Jack grabbed ahold of my hand and led me into this forest.
Not going to lie...I was dying on the inside.
We then came across this little open field part if the forest and it had a lake going through the was so cuteee and pretty.
Just like in the dream Jack laid out the blanket, and he helped me sit down and joined me and put out the food fir us to eat.
"This place is did you find it?"I asked him.
"I know right, and This place is where I come when I need to think or want to be alone"He told me.
"I just kind of was walking one day, lost in thought and well cane across this place"He added.
"It's so peaceful and pretty"I said.
"I know right...I love it"He said.
We sat in silence eating some food whilst enjoying the view of the place.

It was Anazing...we were sat in the only open part if the forest and the sun was shinning though the gap and was shimmering onto the stream/lake making it sparkle, and there was a ledge which had a waterfall flowing down it, going right through the middle...the lake/stream was deep enough to swim in and you could even jump in from the ledge. The grass was bright green and there were a few daisy's sticking up through the grass, and the only sound you could hear was the sound of either the nature or the waterfall.

This wasn't exactly like my dream, in fact it was better, because even though Jack won't kiss me and I will Definitely Won't be kissing way, maybe the cheek but that's it, but this place is a fantasy world and just being here with Jack makes it 100x better.
"Thank you for taking me's so beautiful"I said now looking at Jack.
"It's really no problem"He replied smiling at me.
I leant over to him when he turned his head back to look at the stream and went to kiss his cheek...I don't think he realised I was there...well that close.
"What is yo-"He was interrupted my lips connecting with his for a split second.
Triple FacePalm.
I immediately pulled back.
I was only going to kiss his cheek...Fuck. My. Life.
we both had bright red cheeks at this point.
"Ahhh fuck..."I muttered.
Jack just started laughing. His laugh is so cute.
Not The Time ____, Not The Time.
"I went to kiss your cheek as if to say thank you for bringing me here, but you didn't realised I was that close and know what happened"I said mentally face palming.
"Haha, it's cool"Jack replied still laughing.
"It's actually quite funny"He added.
when I thought about it, it actually was.
I soon joined in with Jack laughing until he got up, took off his jumper and beanie, ran his hands through his hair and ran up onto the ledge and cannon balled off of it.
He soon resurfaced...and it was like one if them adverts where you see the people swishing their hair in slow motion and the water goes everywhere.
"Come and join me"Jack said.
"But I don't have any spare clothes with me"I said.
"Neither do I but we can change when we get back...come on"He called.
"Okay"I gave in and made my way up to the ledge...not realising Jack was behind me and just as he pushed me I grabbed his arm pulling him in with me.

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