Chapter 19

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*Your POV*
It was soon Monday and Jack and I were currently at the airport waiting for our flight.

I'm so grateful to him for taking me back home.
We were sat in a burger King eating lunch, it was currently half 12 so we had half an hour until our flight.

We were all booked in and bags checked in, we only had our rucksacks on us which could go in the hand held compartment.

"So you excited?" Jack asked.
"Yes! Are you?" I replied.
"Yeah, mostly because I get to go on a date with you" He smiled.
I blushed slightly and smiled.

We soon finished our lunch and we took our drinks and went and sat on these seats by the boarding entrance...

We were at the airport in Belfast, because I know the flight from there is around 40 minutes to an hour.
(A/N: my dad is there now whilst I'm writing this and his flight was delayed until 11:30, he's been in Ireland all weekend and he wouldn't take me, I know you don't care I'm sorry back to the story)

We were being sooooo social with each other...yeah note the major sarcasm, we were both on our phone's, I was on Twitter looking through my timeline.

I suddenly got really excited because I remembered that I was going back home, which means I will get to see Paige and I haven't seen her in a while..I've only skyped her once or twice because we have both been busy or working, and I completely forgot to mention that I got a job working at a pub right by where me an Jack live...but obviously the person writing this completely forgot to mention it because she's a fricken idiot...but I managed to get the week off and Tom is taking my shifts.

I may of squealed at the fact I get to see Paige and I hugged Jack.
"That was sudden"He said chuckling and hugging me back.
"It's just I get to see Paige my best friend who I haven't spoke to properly since I've been here"I told him.
"And you guys can meet, she actually watches your video's...well if you want to meet her you don't have to...but she like loves Mark and always talks about him so if you do choose to meet her be prepared to hear non stop about him"I said.
"You really are excited aren't you?"Jack said.
"Yeeaaaaahhhhh, but how can you tell?" I asked.
"You're rambling, it's cute"He replied.
"I'm not rambling I was just saying that you didn't have to meet Paige if you didn't want to and if you did just be warned she will talk about Mar-"I was cut off by Jack kissing me.

I pulled back from him.
"You could have just told me to shut up"I told him gently pushing his arm.
"What if I wanted to shut you up that way"He said.
"Shut up you doof"I said trying to hide a smile.

Flight number 203 is now boarding passengers please make their way to gate 5 to board for Bristol.

That's our flight, we both got up and headed to the gate and handed our tickets in and then went through the tunnel thing and got on the plane to our seats. I had the seat by the window...Nope!

"Jack swap seats with me" I told him.
"Why?"He asked.
"Don't like sitting by the window"I said.
"Why not?"He questioned.
"Because I don't like heights and I always look out the window and then panic at how high we are"I said.
"Why do you look out the window if you don't like heights?"He asked.
"I don't know...just swap seats with me please?"I asked again smiling at him.
"Sure, but just to let you know I hare heights too"He told me as we swapped seats so now I was sat in the middle (it was one of them three seated on one side and two seated on the other side and we were sat on the three seats side) and there was probably someone who was going to sit next to me as well as Jack.
"Thank youuuuu"I said kissing his cheek.
"Definetely worth it now"He winked.
"Shut up"I told him trying to hold back a smile.

We were sat waiting for everyone to get on the plane and get seated, and I got my Ds out of my rucksack...yes I do mean a Ds lite not the 3Ds or 2Ds ones...I like the original ones.

I was playing Professor Layton and Pandora's box because I fricken love this game, it's basically a puzzle game for those of you who don't know.

The finally the last person got on the plane 10 minutes later and it was funnily enough the person who's seat was next to mine.

It was a guy around my age, about 22/23 maybe, and he had quite big arm muscles and he was quite hot...not gonna lie.

I just continued to play on my Ds after I looked up to see who this guy was.
I quickly took my phone out of my back pocket and put it on aeroplane mode and then put it back in my pocket and continued to play my game...uuuntil the intercom thing told everyone to turn off all electronics because we were about to take off...Great.

I switched off my Ds and saw Jack looking at me.
"What was that game..I was enjoying watching you play it?"He asked.
"Oh I didn't even realise you were watching haha, but It was Professor Layton and Pandora's box...I love it!"I told him.
"You're such a nerd"He replied.
"Says you who sits inside all day playing games"I said.
"Fair Point"He said nodding his head.

I'm not going to lie but I hate the taking off part of being in a just creeps me out.
The plane started to go down the runway and I grabbed Jack's hand and squeezed it as hard as I could..and I was looking out of the window, which was stupid I know but I always do it.

Jack turned my face to look at him and not the window but my eyes kept glancing back at the window...I don't know why I do it.
"Stop looking out the window"Jack chuckled.
"I can't help it"I told him.
this just made him laugh more and he then shut the blind down.
"Better?"He asked.
"Kind of, but I can still see out other windows"I told him now looking directly into his mesmerising, bright, blue eyes.
"____?"I heard.
"Huh sorry what?"I asked.
"I asked if you were okay"Jack said.
"Yeah I'm fine, can I please have your eyes...they're so pretty"I told him not taking my eyes off them.
"Urm...well not really..."He said looking kind of worried.
"I was only joking"I told him.
"I'm glad...I don't want to wake up to see my eyes are gone...even though I wouldn't be able to see"He rambled.

The plane soon steadied out but I never let go of Jack's hand, and I just fell asleep...normally I can't sleep on planes but I could this time apparently.

I woke up sooner or later to Jack not being there...hmm.
"Urm excuse me...sorry to bother you but do you know where my friend went?"I asked the man next to me as I tapped his muscular arm gently.

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