Chapter 16

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*Jack's POV*
I woke up cuddled next to ____ still sleeping so I carefully got up and put a pillow where I used to be and she cuddled into that.

I then went downstairs to get some coffee, black with no milk or a real man.

Man I love me some coffee, I also need to ask ____ if she wants to go away with me so I decided to make sticky notes and place them around the apartment.

The first one I stuck on the pillow she was hugging it read: Good morning ____, I have a surprise for you so I've made these sticky notes and put them around the apartment, like a little game and the last one has a surprise waiting for you. The first one is in the kitchen. Jack. :P x

I had to write pretty small to fit it on one sticky note but I managed to fit it on one.

The next one was on my adventure time mug which I would put coffee in for her. It said: Hello again, I made you some coffee just how you like it, and here is the first riddle. Jack. :P x
Although I may have eyes I can't see. At one time there was a dearth of me in Ireland and people went hungry.

Yeah I thought I would write this one because I'm Irish and we're in Ireland so yeah...Let's hope ____ gets it.

The next sticky note I stuck were the answer was, which was on a potato, and the next note said.
Hi again, did you like that first riddle I just had to do it anyway here is the next riddle enjoy. Jack. :P x
I don't go out and play, I just stay at home all day. I'm nice- you might agree, but mostly your feet just rub me?

No, get your minds out the gutter, it's a door mat, and like before the next note was going to go under the door mat and that one said.
Hi again, are you enjoying this, I hope're getting close to the surprise. Jack. :P x
Some take me in the morning, others take me in the evening, but one thing you should know- when I'm taken I don't really go anywhere?

I quickly went upstairs to put the penultimate note, and where does the note go...the shower, man I'm great at making these riddles for ____.

This one read: You're sooo close. Jack. :P x
I have a ring, but no finger?

The final sticky note was in her room stuck to her phone.
Hello for the final time before your surprise, this one is not a riddle all you have to do is call me and follow the noise...See you in a minute. Jack. :P

Boom, all notes done, I quickly went back downstairs to the kitchen made ____ a coffee and then went and hid in my closet, and called ____'s name until she moved.

Then I just remained silent in the closet until she found me.

A/N: Did you guys get any of the riddles before you saw the answer?
Let me know if you did. :P

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