Chapter 30

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A/N: Surprisingly that picture was done by me on my iPad...I'm kind of proud of it and I wanted to show you guys...Anyway back to the storyyyyyyyy.

*Jack's POV*
____ went to take a phone call just now it was from and Unknown number, I just continued to look for clothes to wear to Paige's party, I found this pretty Awesome checkered top that was grey that I could wear to Paige's party along with some jeans I have, So I quickly tried it on to make sure it fit and it did look pretty cool so I bought it and then went outside where ____ was still on the phone, and she looked shocked, she has been out here a while so it can't be one of them claims people.
"Are you okay?"I mouthed to her.
She nodded in response and continued to talk on her phone.
"Ohmygod, are you sure?"She asked.
She then chuckled a few minutes later and replied "I know I'm just shocked thank you so much"
Then she hung up the phone and instantly hugged me.
Confused out of my fucking head I still hugged her back.
"What's happened?"I asked.
"Okay I probably haven't told you this but I applied to join the police when I was 18 but didn't pass the written test by 2 marks and I was so pissed, but I always told people that I just never signed up in the end so you're pretty much the only person I told apart from Paige, and on the phone was MI5, as in the secret service, and they said if I wanted to train for them and join because I apparently aced the fitness test for the police training and MI5 found out how close I got"____ explained.
"That is amazing, I'm so proud of you"I exclaimed hugging her again.
"There is only one down side to it though..."____ added.
"What's that?"I asked tensing up.
"Jack relax, it s just that I have to go over to London for two months for training then I get transferred over to Ireland to work"She told me.
"I would ask if you would want to come but you have work"____ said.
"They'll understand, I can record as soon as I get back for a few weeks straight and I'll have enough video's"I tried to tell her.
"No Jack I leave the Monday after we get back on the Friday, you won't have time but I will Skype you okay?"She said.
"Okay, but you won't be here to see my hair"I replied.
"Well you will definitely have to Skype me then"She winked.
"Also what's that in the bag, what'd you buy?"____ asked.
"A top for Paige's party, it's grey and checkered see"I showed her.
"I may have to steal that after the party because I like that top"____ smiled.
"But it's miiiinnneee"I whined.
"Just like this jumper is but you haven't noticed"____ chuckled.
"I Knew I Recognised That Jumper"I exclaimed.
"Haha, see I'm sneaky enough to be a ninja spy"____ told me jumping into a ninja pose.
"I don't think you will be a ninja spy ____, possibly a spy"I replied chuckling.
"I could be you never know...I just won't tell you"____ winked and started walking off to another shop I'm guessing.
*After shopping*
____ and I went to ____'s parents house after shopping and we hung out there and I heard more stories about ____'s obsessions while she sat and face palmed. It was very funny.
"Oh, I have something to tell you guys!" ____ exclaimed.
"What? Are you guys finally together?"____'s brother asked.
"Shut up...Scott...No"____ gritted through her teeth.
"I actually did sign up for the police when I was 18, but I failed the written test so I didn't get in and I never told anyone but Paige and I just told Jack" ____ started.
"But the reason I'm telling you this is because I got a phone call asking if I wanted to be a part of MI5 and I've taken the offer up" ____ smiled.
"But you cannot mention it to anyone, because then they may take back their offer and you know how much this means to me" ____ added.
"Ohmygod that is such amazing news, I'm so proud of you"Laura squealed pinching ____'s cheeks.
"Mum...Please stop"____ told her as her cheeks went red...But I'm not sure whether that is from embarrassment or just from the pinching.
"Buuutttt I will have to be away for a while...And may not be able to contact you guys as often...that's the only thing"____ sighed.
"Aw that's okay, as long as you are doing dorm thing you enjoy and you are safe that is all that matters"Her parents both said.
"Guys you know me...I can kick like everyone's ass...Of course I'm safe"____ smirked...Being cocky.
I just sat listening to this conversation ____ was having with her parents, whilst thinking how lucky I was...Because of my YouTube job that I love with all of my heart and all the lovely people who watch my content, and because of the friends I have made because of it and meeting the one person I think I'm falling for...Well fallen for, who actually likes me! What did I do to deserve such an amazing life? I could not be more grateful for everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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