Chapter 17

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*Your POV*
I woke up to Jack calling my name, it sounded quite faint so he was probably downstairs because he definitely wasn't here because I was cuddling a pillow.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes and stretched, I looked around for my phone and I remembered I was in Jack's room but I saw a not on the pillow that I was did I not see it...the note was bright yellow for fuck sake.

I picked it up and read it.
Good morning ____, I have a surprise for you so I've made these sticky notes and put them around the apartment, like a little game and the last one has a surprise waiting for you. The first one is in the kitchen. Jack. :P X

He is such a doof, but a cute idea...I got up shaking my head but smiling at the note, and stuck it in my back pocket and went down to the kitchen.

On the side was another note and some coffee just how I like it in Jack's adventure time mug...he's so cute.
I read the note and it said:
Hello again, I made you some coffee just how you like it, and here is the first riddle. Jack. :P x
Although I may have eyes I can't see. At one time there was a dearth of me in Ireland and people went hungry.

Typical Jack using an Irish riddle to begin with, I got it straight away though it is potato!

I went round the apartment finding these notes and riddles and solving them until I came to the last one where I had to call him.

I found his cantact, Jackaboy :P, and called it...I heard ringing from down the hall so I followed it and it lead me...right back to Jack's room.

When I got to Jack's room the phone went to voice mail so I went to call it again and when it did the sound was coming from behind me so I turned around to Jack's closet and opened it.

There was Jack, in his closet holding his phone and 2 plane tickets.
He stepped out of his closet and smirked at me and handed me a ticket.

I had a look at it and it was to England.
"Ohmygod Jack what is this?!"I asked.
"You said you were homesick and well I thought I could take you there for our date"He told me.
"Awh Jack, you are the best...but you didn't have to do that"I told hug hugging him.
"I wanted to though"he replied.
I looked up at him and smiled, and he looked down and smirked.

I then jumped up and wrapped my legs around him still hugging him.

I know with the whole homesick thing that I haven't been home in a while because I was at Uni and shit but I would go home during every half term to see them, but I haven't seen then in a while...I do Skype them sometimes but I am glad I get to see them.

I was just hugging Jack with my legs wrapped around him and my head in the crook in his neck and I decided to be a tease because Jack's reaction is always funny.

I started to kiss his neck and I could tell he was shocked because he tensed up for a second then was back to normal, I then started to bite and such his neck and I felt him moving and I fell on the bed and he was leaning over me staring directly into my eyes. I bit my lip staring back at him.

My eyes went from looking to his eyes to his lips and back and forth until he leant down and pressed his lips against mine, My hands found their way to the back of his neck and my hands played with his hair.

We were kissing for a while until he licked my lips asking for entrance which I didn't give him, I wanted to tease him.
jack pulled back and said.
"Oh so you're playing like that are you?"He smirked.
I just bit my lip again looking at him.
He kissed me again and I felt his hands going behind my back.

Jack started to slide his hand down my back to my butt and he grabbed it and I gasped and that gave him his opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue.

His hand then went up my shirt and started to grab my boob and was squeezing it.

He pulled back from the kiss, his hand still on my boob and he just looked at me.

He went to kiss me again but I put my index finger on his lips.
"That's all your getting for now"I told him smirking.
I looked down at his hand still under my shirt and looked back up at him.
"Oh sorry"He said his cheeks going red.
"It's a good thing I think you're cute"I told him sitting up leaning on my elbows.

Jack got off me and held out his hand to help me up, which I gladly took and I went to the bathroom to have a shower and Jack said.
"I'll be recording if you need me"He told me smiling.
"Okay"I replied.
I went into the bathroom to have a shower.

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