Chapter 13

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*Jack's POV*
Two weeks have passed and I have managed to not tell ____ I'm back with Alice, and Alice hasn't found out I live with ____.
But I feel terrible...I hate lying to people...Especially ____.

I was currently on Skype with Alice.
"What's wrong baby?"She asked.
"Oh nothing, I was just thinking about what games to play today for my channel"I told her...Ugh I hate lying.
"Oh okay"She said.
"I'm just going to edit while we talk is that okay?"I asked her.
"Yes of course it is, you don't need to ask" She said chuckling.
We were just talking about what you usually do with your girlfriend.

Until....____ walked in.

*Your POV*
I was just sat in my room listening to music and on my laptop when someone knocked on the door.
I couldn't be fucked to get dress so I went downstairs in my pyjamas, which was sports shorts, and a checkered shirt, and my hair was up in a messy bun.

I think Jack is recording so I got up and went to the door, I opened it and the post man was there with a parcel.
"Hi, can I get you to sign this for me?"The man asked.
"Sure"I replied and signed the tablet thing or whatever it is.
"Thank you ma'am, here you go"He said and handed me the parcel.
It was quite heavy...
"Have a nice day"The post man said.
"You too bye"I told him and shut the door.
I looked at the parcel and it was for Jack...I went to his recording room..listened in on him just to see if he was recording and he wasn't shouting and only talking every now and then so he was probably editing.

I knocked on the door, but I didn't wait for a response and walking into his room looking at the parcel.
"Urm...Jack I think this parcel is for you"I told him looking up at him.
"Sean What the FUCK is this!?"I heard.
I looked at his computer and Alice was on the screen.
"Urm...I...errr"Jack stuttered.
"Jack you told me you had gotten over her"I said.
"And Sean you told me SHE wasn't living with you anymore"Alice snapped.
jack didn't say anything just sunk down in his chair.
I put his parcel on the desk and left the room.
"Fucking Whore"I heard.
I turned around and glared at the computer screen.
"Excuse Me!"I said.
"I said Fucking Whore"Alice repeated.
"I heard what you said, I was wondering why you said it...I didn't need you to repeat it"I said pissed off.
"Because you're there waltzing around in my boyfriends house basically wearing nothing but your underwear, and you're probably trying to get on him and all...And the fact you fucking look like you have slept with every guy in that town"She said fake smiling at me.
I would punch that fucking look iff her face right now If I could!

"Alice please stop she isn't worth it"Jack said.
"Oh so I'm not worth it now...fine fuck you and your Girlfriend who can shove her insults up her fucking arse because they are full of shit, and or your information love I have not slept with every guy in this town because I'm still a fucking virgin you stupid bitch so stop judging me because you don't fucking know me...and No I'm not trying to get on your boyfriend...I was trying to help him get over you after you broke up with him for NO FUCKING REASON!" I shouted and left the room slamming the door behind me and going to my own room and slamming that door too, and locking it.

I put on a jumper and sat back on my bed and went on my laptop on Twitter super pissed off.

*Jack's POV*
"Alice please stop she isn't worth it"I said to Alice.
"Oh so I'm not worth it now...fine fuck you and your Girlfriend who can shove her insults up her fucking arse because they are full of shit, and or your information love I have not slept with every guy in this town because I'm still a fucking virgin you stupid bitch so stop judging me because you don't fucking know me...and No I'm not trying to get on your boyfriend...I was trying to help him get over you after you broke up with him for NO FUCKING REASON!" ____ shouted and left the room and slammed my door.
"Shit shit shit"I said with my head in my hands.
"Why the fuck did you lie to me about that slut for?"Alice asked.
"You know what Alice...I thought you fucking changed...clearly not I don't get what your problem with ____ is and why you had to say that to was completely unnecessary"I told her.
"My problem with her is that I don't fucking trust her with you...and to me she looks like a slut"She said.
"She IS NOT A SLUT FOR FUCK SAKE she is the complete opposite she is beautiful and kind and caring and treats me better than you, I'm done with this Alice, I'm done with you...because ____ is not a whore or a slut...I gave you another chance when I almost got over you and you be a bitch to my roommate so if you can't like one girl I'm friends with then what would you be like if I had other friends that are girls. I can't be dealing with this Bye Alice"I told her and hung up Skype.

I quickly left my recording room and went up to ____'s room.
I lightly knocked on the door and leant against it.
"____"I said quietly.
"What do you want Jack?"She replied.
"I want to talk to you"I told her through the door.
"Why so you can say I'm not worth it again!"She said raising her voice.
"Just open the door so I don't have to talk to the door!"I told her raising my voice.
"Fine"She opened the door looked at me and then turned on her heels and went and sat on her bed...I awkwardly walked into the room and stood by her bed.
"Listen, I didn't mean to say that"I told her.
"Then why the fuck did you say it?!"She said still with a raised voice.
"I don't know why I said it, I'm sorry"I said.
"I don't need your fucking sorry Jack, I want to know why the FUCK You never told me you were going back out with her...And Why you stuck up for her for...And said I wasn't FUCKING WORRH IT...ANSWER ME THAT!"She shouted standing up.
"OF COURSE I WOULD BE MAD AT YOU JACK, SHE FUCKING BROKE UP WITH YOU FOR NO SERIOUS REASON ADMND THEN YOU CRAWLED BACK TO HER A LIKE A LITTLE SH-"She Shouted but I cut her off by pushing her up against the wall pinning her arms above her shoulders and kissing her quite roughly.

A few minutes passed and I pulled back and ____ just stared at me red faced.
And my face probably matched.

"I'm sorry"I muttered looking down at my feet.
"What for?"She replied.
"Just now...I didn't mean to I-"I was cut off by ____ kissing me.
She pulled back a few minutes later and said.
"Don't be sorry you know I like you"She smiled.
"But what about Alice...fucking bitch"____ muttered the last part.
"She's gone...I broke up with her because she was a bitch to you and what she said was horrible...sorry about that and again I'm sorry for saying you aren't worth it...I really didn't mean it"I told her.
"Jack you don't need to apologise for her, and it's okay I understand that you didn't mean it and I apologise for full on shouting at you...Alice not so much, she deserved what I said"she replied.
"Haha, it's okay and I have to admit you're pretty hot when you're angry"I admitted.
She went red again.
"Shut up"She said playfully hitting my arm.
"Soooooo...what's happening with us then?" ____ asked.
"I don't know..."I replied.
"All I know is that I really like you"I told her.
"Awhh, and you know I really like you because you already heard me blurt it out"She told me which make me chuckle remembering it.
"So do you er...maybe want to go on a date with me maybe?"I asked nervously.
"Yes!....I mean um..yeah sounds like fun"____ said causing us both to laugh.
I leant in to kiss ____ but she backed away and put her finger on my lips.
"Ah, ah, Mr not so fast...we aren't going out...."She said.
"Yet"She winked.
"you tease"I said then kissed her finger.
I then went to walk back down to my recording room to see what the parcel was that I got earlier when ____ jumped on my back.

She then started to kiss my neck and biting it.
"I thought you said no kisses"I said.
"I never said where"She replied kissing my cheek and then getting off my back and walked off downstairs.
"You are such a Tease...god damn it"I said to myself.
"You love it though"____ replied.
How the fuck does she do that...She can hear me even when I only talk to myself and I'm upstairs and she is downstairs.

I followed her downstairs and went to my recoding room to open my parcel...I think it is my new mic.

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