Chapter 29

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*Your POV*
"Hi" I greeted waving to face was bright red from what Jack said...He just almost called me his girlfriend...I mean we've been on a date but he haven't spoken about being in a relationship or anything.
"Girlfriend eh?"Mark asked.
"So Mark I wanted to ask you a question?"Jack said changing the subject.
"Nice change of the subject there Jack but go ahead"Mark winked.
"How would you like to come to England tomorrow for a party at ____'s friends house...I know it's a long way and short notice but I thought I'd ask incase you wanted to"Jack asked him.
"Also my friend like loves may have spoken to her before...she's friends with Haley..."I explained.
"Her name's Paige right?"Mark asked.
"Yeah that's her, she has wanted to meet you for a while now but she didn't know we were going to invite you well it was Jack's idea, but yeah it's her idea why she is having one she hates I do but I'm going to see why she is throwing one and I'm blabbing in now so I will shut up"I said realising I was just going on so I shut up.
"No it's cool, I like your blabbing"Mark chuckled.
"Haha thanks I am known for my blabbing"I replied.
"Thanks for the invitation guys, I would love to come but I have a meeting to go to tomorrow I'm really sorry...but maybe you can give her my Skype...just please make sure she doesn't give it to anyone"Mark told us.
"Oh no she would never do that not in a million years"I assured him.
"Okay thank you, well I'm sorry I can't come but maybe you guys can come over to LA sometime and visit" Mark suggested.
"Haha it's alright, and Yeah that sounds like we would have great fun"Jack chuckled.
"Well I'll speak to you guys soon, and it was lovely to meet you ____ and say hi to Paige for me"Mark said.
" you too, and we will do bye Mark"I said as we waved and hung up Skype
"Ohmygod...I just spoke to Mark!"I squealed.
"Haha, what do you think of him then?"Jack asked.
"He's even nicer in person if that's even possible"I exclaimed.
"Haha, I know right"Jack replied.
"Anyway what do you want to do today?" I asked.
"No idea, what can we do?"Jack replied.
"We could go shopping somewhere like Poole or something?"I suggested.
"Yeah why the heck not" Jack agreed.
"Boom day sorted, and I could get something to wear for tomorrow"I told him.
"Haha yeah I could too that's a good idea actually"Jack said.
"I know I always have good ideas"I boasted flicking my hair, obviously I was joking.
"Of course you do"Jack replied.
"Bruh, my ideas are waaayyyy better than yours"I told him.
"No they are not my ideas mainly involve either cake or cookies so I win..."Jack said folding his arms.
"Whatever you say" I smirked.

*Whilst shopping in poole*
We were in the middle of shopping and finding something for Paige's party thing she is having and I got a phone call from an unknown number, so I walked out of the shop and answered this call thinking it would be one of those stupid PPI things but I was soooooo wrong...

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