Chapter 20

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*Jack's POV*
____ was asleep and we had half an hour left on the flight so I went to the bathroom...well because I needed a wee.

I came out of the bathroom and saw that ____ was awake and was talking to the guy next to her. Yes before you say it yourself...I was jealous...yeah you all guessed it, 10 boss points for you.

I went back to my seat and went on my phone to reply to some comments, and I was listening to their conversation whilst I was on my phone.
"So Harry, what brings you on this flight?" ____ asked.
"Ur...well I'm going to see my girlfriend who lives in London...but I would happily ditch her for you"He told her, and I saw at the corner of my eye that he put a loose strand of her hair behind her they do in the cliché films.

I just continued to reply to comments but on Twitter now.
"Awh I'm flattered Harry but I'm actually on this flight with my boyfriend, Jack, and we are going to my hometown so I can introduce him to my parents"I heard ____ say and she hugged my arm. I was shocked but I liked that she called me her boyfriend.
"Sup"I said to Harry smirking that ____ just called me her boyfriend.
"Well he isn't doing a good job to stop guys from flirting with you though is he?"Harry said coldly.
I didn't know how to reply to that because I couldn't exactly say I didn't know we were going out until now...even though we aren't even dating.
"He's a better boyfriend than you...because he doesn't say to other girls that he will ditch his girlfriend for another girl he met 5 minutes ago"____ sassed.
"I bet he would, just look at him"Harry nodded his head towards me.
"No I wouldn't because I'm not an inconsiderate asshole like you...and ____ is beautiful and I wouldn't swap her or ditch her for any girl because that would be a massive down grade"I explained to him.
"Now quit flirting with my girl and telling me I'm a bad boyfriend"I added.
____ looked at me and smiled as if to say thank you.
"Or what?"Harry threatened.
I just ignored what he said and looked at ____ and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Hey Jack"Harry called.
"What?"I turned to face him and all I saw was his arm being thrown towards my face before hitting me directly in the nose.

Without thinking my arm swing back at him and hit him in the eye, and somehow he got a cut on his lip...No idea how.

A few of the air hostesses came and broke it up before he managed to get another swing at me.

He got moved to another seat on the plane and ____ asked one of the air hostesses for an ice pack.

My nose was bleeding and was bruised already...I tilted my nose slightly forwards because if you tilt it back, like what happens in most films because they are stupid, the blood could run down the back of your throat and could also cause a blood clot.

The air hostess soon came back with an ice pack and ____ held it over my nose.

"Ohmygod your nose looks like it's broken...I can't believe that just happened are you okay?"She asked.
"I'm fine, you should have seen the other guy"I chuckled...I've always wanted to say that.

"Thank you for defending me though"She told me.
"No problem, I'm still shocked that you called me your boyfriend"I admitted.
"Haha, yeah sorry about that, it was to get him off my back and well we know how that ended"She sighed.
"I wasn't complaining, and it was worth it...he was an arsehole anyway don't worry about him...Let's just focus on having an Awesome time"I told her.
"It's going to be Awesome because I'm here"____ said as she motioned towards herself with her hands. I don't think that made any sense but whatever.
I just laughed at her and shook my head.
"What?"She asked.
"You"I said still laughing.
"What did I do?"She questioned.
"You call yourself Awesome, you know I'm the Awesome one"I joked.
"Oh, so were doing this again are we?"____ said folding her arms as raising her eyebrows.
"Yeah, because I'm the Awesome one"I replied.
"No, I am we have already talked about this...when we get to Weymouth and meet up with Paige ask her, she will agree with me that I'm the Awesome one"She explained.
"I bet she won't"I smirked.
"She wi-"
"Can all passengers please return to your seats, put on your seat belts, turn off all electronics and put up the fold down trays as we are preparing to land Thank you"The intercom thing interrupted ____.

we did as we were told and waited as the plane landed.

It soon landed and we were off pretty quick and went through all the airport shit like luggage, passport control all that shit and we were soon outside with all our stuff, we managed to get a taxi that would take us to Weymouth.

*2 hours 10 minutes later*
We finally arrived in ____'s home town and we paid the taxi driver and went to our hotel. It was a nice hotel and we had a balcony which overlooked the beach.
"Wow...this place is beautiful"I said walking out to the balcony in our room.
"Eh, it's alright...kind of a boring place"____ replied.
"So Mr Jackaboy what do you want to do first it's currently 4 now?"____ asked.
"Well I need to upload a video in an hour so you wanna wait here for an hour and chill...then after that no idea"I suggested.
"Ooooh I know, we have to go and get fish and chips, it's like the proper british thing to fish and chips by the seaside and apparently drinking tea too"____ said excitedly.
"Boom evening sorted"We both said and high fived.

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