Chapter 27

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*Your POV*
Jack is actually going ahead with dying his hair...I didn't think he would.

He's booked an appointment next Friday at half 12 because this Friday we would we on our way home.

We were currently sat in our den eating cookie dough ice cream whilst watching  Doctor Who. Today was just like a chill Not Netflix and chill...god what the heck is wrong with your minds...

Later Jack said he was taking me somewhere...No bloody clue where though but I was enjoying my time here with Jack.

We were sat around pretty much all day just sat in our pyjamas watching films and to shows in our den Jack made.
"I have to go somewhere, but I will text you in a bit okay?"Jack told me after looking at the time on his phone.
"Ohhkay" I sighed.
Jack got up and got dressed and grabbed his rucksack, but before he left he came back in the den and kissed my cheek, which obviously made me blush.
"I'll see you in a bit"He winked.
I just looked at him puzzled...why the fuck did he wink...weird child.

Well again I did fuck all when Jack left and just watched some American Horror Story because why the fuck not.

I think I fell asleep for like what 10 minutes because my phone bleeping right by my earhole woke me up.
Are you fucking serious it was a tweet...for fuck sake...Stupid Mark tweeting and waking me up.
I sat up stretched then had a look at the time 7:03 p.m.
I decided I should probably get changed since Jack said he was taking me out somewhere.
Literally as I thought that I got a text from him
'Hi, sorry I've been gone for like an hour...but meet me outside the hotel in 20 minutes and wear something comfy it doesn't need to be all fancy. And you won't need to bring anything. Jackaboy. :P x'
That boy always puts that face, any way I had the quickest showerI've ever had in my life and I got changed into some leggings, my red and black checkered top, similar to Mark's lucky flannel, and some black, high top converse, I quickly dried and curled the ends of my hair and boom sorted...I grabbed my phone and left the hotel room.
Waiting outside the front door of the hotel was Jack looking smart, he was wearing casual stuff too but it was smarter than usual if that makes sense, and he was holding a bunch of flowers in his hands.
"Hello" I smiled at him.
"Hello, you look beautiful"He told me.
"You are so sweet, you don't look too bad yourself I'm surprised" I joked.
"Haha very funny...anyway these are for you"Jack handed me the flowers they were all painted black...yes I know very dull but normal flowers are annoying and to original.
"I even had them hand painted"Jack added smiling.
"They're perfect...I love them...I normally don't like flowers but I love these they are so different from normal ones"I said as I studied the flowers I just got.
" I knew you'd like them" Jack said excitedly.
"Anyway, shall we be off our date awaits us"He held out his arm for me to link it with...which I gladly did.

We walked for about 10 minutes before we ended up in one of the quietest parts of the town, we were on one of the only beaches that barely anyone goes to because hardly anyone knows about it, I saw in the distance a blanket and a few lights but as we got closer I saw that it was a picnic but Jack had got another blanket and managed to tie them to sticks to make like a little cover over the top of the picnic blanket, and there was candles around the blanket too. It was so sweet. He was so sweet.
I love him.
Wait WHAT?! I did not just think that...No you don't you can't possibly you can't what the hell is going on in my head.
"____?"Jack asked.
I was stood there staring talking to myself in my own head and didn't even realise Jack was talking to me.
"Oh sorry I got lost in thought"I told him.
"It's okay I was just getting worried that just kind of stared of into space"Jack chuckled.
"I was just thinking at how amazing this all is you put in so much effort for this date and it's only our first"I couldn't help but smile. He makes me so happy.
"I wanted to I really wanted to make this one special because it is our first and I want to do this for you" He replied which only made me smile more.

We sat down on the picnic blanket and are the food Jack had brought here and we talked and goofed around like normal.
Once we had finished eating I sat in between Jack's legs and he covered is with another blanket he had and I leant against his chest and watched the sun set...It was perfect. Probably slightly cliché but who gives a fuck...I was enjoying myself and I'm pretty sure Jack was too so it doesn't matter.

After the sun had set me and Jack took a stroll along the beach with no one around and walking along the shore and the water was getting our feet (we took our shoes off) every now and then.

After our hour long walk along the beach we sat back where we were sat and watched the world go by in silence enjoying each other's company.
"Jack?"I called out.
"Yeah ____?"He replied.
"Today has been perfect...Thank you"I said turning my head slightly and looking up at him.
"It wasn't much but I'm gla-"I cut him off by kissing him.
"It was to me"I told him once I pulled back.
He smiled back in return and I faced back to the sea and smiled more than ever.
Maybe I've properly fallen for him.
Maybe I do love him.

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