Chapter 9

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A/N: I have managed to get another chapter out before exams and shit next week, I am going to try to put some chapters up, but if I don't I am So sorry :/
*Your POV*
I can't believe Jack's girlfriend broke up with him, I understand it's a long way away, but they were working so well, but I feel Jack is missing something out of this story because he kept stuttering....but it might be because he is upset.
"Awh Jack...come here"I said opening my arms.
He stood up and hugged me still sobbing, which was making my shoulder wet.
"Jack, she isn't worth your tears..."I told him pulling back from the hug and looking at him.
"Listen to me. It clearly wasn't meant to be, but you will find someone who will make you super happy and she may even make you cookies"I said to him smirking at the last part.
he wiped away his tears and smiled slightly.
"Thanks ____, you're a good friend and you really know how to cheer someone up. Thank you"He said and smiled genuinely.
"It's really no problem, Just as long as you're happy"I replied.
"Awh"He said and kissed my cheek, which made me blush slightly.
He sat back down in the chair and we talked for a bit and the police came in and spoke to me and Jack about what happened with Jamie and I gave them his full name and age and shit, so hopefully he can get done for stabbing me, fucking asshole. I don't even understand why I went out with him, what was I thinking.
"____?"Jack said after the police had left.
"Yeah"I replied.
"Why did you go out with Jamie?"He asked.
"If you don't mind me asking that is"He quickly added.
"No it's fine, and I was just thinking that myself actually...I don't know I guess he just kind of won me over by being sweet, but now I have realised every time he didn't get his way he would get angry...and flip out, just like he did like 2 hours ago...That is the problem with me, I don't realise what I get myself into until I'm out of the situation or if I get hurt"I explained.
"Oh, well just know that I won't dick you over"Jack told me.
"Thanks Jack, I'm actually really shocked how calm I have managed to stay since I met you...because I have wanted to meet you for years now, and I'm sharing an apartment with you...I literally adored, well still do, you. I like love you, not like fallen in love with you...I mean like a fangirl, but now I'm like really close with you and it's crazy...and I've just realised I'm fangirling I'm sorry...oh wow this is embarrassing"I said super fast and then covered my face with embarrassment.
"Haha, that is so sweet, but there is no need to be embarrassed you've kept your cool for what a couple of weeks now, you've done well"Jack said taking my hands off my face.
He then took out his phone.
"Come on soldier smile"He said as he took a picture, giving just enough time to smile.
"I'm hardly a soldier, and how come you wanted a selfie with me"I told him.
"____, you got stabbed in the stomach at like 4 in the morning and got though a surgery of having tissue sewn back together and now awake and recovering like 2 hours, probably not even that, are a soldier and I wanted it for reasons"He said the last part smirking.

A few minutes later my phone was going crazy.
"Jack, what did you do?"I asked.
"See everyone thinks you're a soldier"Jack replied.
"Jack pass me my phone, what have you done"I asked as he passed me my phone.
I looked and my twitter notifications were through the roof.
What Jack had done was tweeted the picture of me and him and said along with it:
"This is my Soldier @________, she has gone though being stabbed and managed to go though a surgery of having tissue sewn up and is now awake and recovering. She is just amazing. ____, you are a soldier and I bet everyone else thinks so too. :)"
I was tearing up a bit at this because he is so sweet.
I leant over to the chair Jack was in from my bed and hugged him, I didn't care how much it hurt, he is literally so sweet and I knew this is what he would be like if I ever got to meet him.
"See I told you that you were a soldier and everyone agrees with me, and let me help you, you're hurting yourself I can tell by your face"He said and helped me back into my bed properly.
"You also look tired to just lie back and relax and I will read you some of the things people have replied, some are quite funny"He told me.
"Loads of them just literally say soldier"
"One says, @________ You are so brave and you are a soldier just like @Jack_Septic_Eye says, Get better soon. Also you are really pretty"
"Ooh here is a sweet one, @________, you are stunning and no matter what anyone says you are a soldier, even though some people say that it was only something small, being stabbed isn't that bad blah blah blah but you have to be hella strong to be able to be that stunning and have been stabbed and now recovering well, also I ship you and @Jack_Septic_Eye just saying. Stay strong"
I couldn't help but smile at these comments, they were so sweet and it was really difficult not to cry, I was slightly shocked by someone saying they ship me and Jack though...I haven't really thought about it, Okay that was a fat lie, I did a lot whilst I was at Uni and before too...bit I know it would never happen, plus Jack is a friend now...It's weird to be thinking about that.
"Actually a lot of people are asking if we're dating or saying that they ship us...haha, people are even making ship names"Jack said.
I sat up at this...
"Are you serious...?!"I asked slightly surprised.
"Yes, but I'm going to tell them we are just friends"Jack replied.
He then typed away on his phone and then said
"Okay Jack, do you always do that once you have done something?"I asked.
"Pretty much yeah"he replied laughing.
I got a few more notifications on my phone.
"Guys, me and @________ are just friends, we are not dating. :'D" That was Jack's tweet and other peoples reply's were saying things like 'damn it' and 'oh but I ship you guuuuyyyysss'

To be honest I quite like being shipped with Jack.
"Do you now?"Jack replied.
I. Did. Not. Mean. To. Say. That. Out. Loud.

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