Chapter 5

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*Your POV*
I woke up the next morning around 9 and decided to go down stairs because I was hungry.

I went to the kitchen and there was a note.
Hi ____,
I've gone to meet a few of my old school friends, see you later somewhen.
Jack x

That is why it's quiet here. I decided to just watch Tv for a bit until I got bored and decided to take a walk.

I just went wherever my feet took me, whilst I was walking I got a message from Jamie, my boyfriend.
J: Hey baby, what are you doing at the moment? Xx
Y: Hi babe, Not a lot really just on a walk at the moment whhhhhyyy? 😘Xx
J: Do you want to meet me at Costa in 10 minutes because I am free the rest of the day? Xx
Y: Yeah okay, see you in a few minutes babe. Love you. 😘 xx
J: okay see you in a bit. Xx

I was actually super excited to go and see Jamie because I haven't seen him in a while because either I've been busy moving or he's busy revising.

But he is being a bit weird normally he says I love you too at the end of our texts and sends a kissy face but he hasn't recently...he's being odd, maybe it's because we haven't seen each other in a while.

I soon got to Costa and I saw Jamie waiting for me outside and my feet moved faster than my brain and I was already hugging him.
"I've missed you so much"I said into his neck.
"I've missed you too"He replied but he didn't sound like it.
"What's up baby?"I asked looking up at him.
"I need to talk to you"As he said this he tensed up.
"What is it?"I asked my smile fading slightly.
"Let's go for a walk"Jamie said.
We went for a walk and ended up in the park, where I was just at before hand.

Jamie sat me down on a bench them sat down but he just didn't look at me.
"I have to tell you something ____, I-I"He started then looked down.
"What...Just tell me Jamie"I said starting to get worried as to what he was going to say.
"I'm so sorry...I slept with Sophie...I'm really sorry ____."I could not believe what I just heard.
"Sophie, as in the popular slut who always hits on everyone"I asked with a massive pain in my heart.
he just nodded, I just broke down right there and then.

"____ baby please say something"Jamie said putting a hand on my shoulder.
I stood up and stood in front of him, tears streaming down my face.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY AND DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE CALL ME THAT...I'M NOT YOUR BABY, NOT ANY MORE" I shouted at him and started to walk off still crying a lot.

I could hear him running after me but I just kept walking. I think going down an alley way, even though it was only a small one where you could see down, was a big mistake.

Next thing I knew Jamie had pushed me up against the wall and pinned my arms against it so I couldn't move. His grip kept tightening and his face was inches from mine until he forcefully kissed me. I kept turning my head to stop him but it just wouldn't work.

I didn't want to kiss him or be near him.
I tried to wriggle my way out but I was hopeless. I then started to panic as he started to put his hands up my shirt.

So I calmed myself down mentally and thought.
Okay, ____ focus...remember Kingsman and James Bond and all other sassy spy movies you have seen, and just fight your way out, be like a spy...Think like a spy...then act like one.

Before he managed to get his hand to my boob I grabbed his arm and bent it back until it made a huge crack, it made me flinch slightly at the sound but I soon brushed it off then head butted him, which caused him to fall over holding his head.

I quickly started to walk off, but I knew he was getting up to come and get me.
I got out of the alley way and went by some cars, I could see him behind me through the reflection of the car and turned around as he swung to hit me, rookie mistake.
He got me right in the eye, but as he swing again I caught it and flipped him over my shoulder, we both hit the floor his other arm this time twisted back, I landed on my back but it didn't hurt, Jamie was out cold though.

I felt proud I took him down because he is quite muscly, but Tears still streamed down my face though, First he cheated on me with some fucking slut and when I try to walk off he tries to rape me...what the fuck?!

I started to walk straight back to my place...How am I going to explain my black eye to I tell him (but he might get super angry and try to go and hurt Jamie and get hurt himself because Jamie is strong) Or do I tell Jack I walked into a pole.

Jack has been more protective over me as we've gotten closer, he's like a big brother/best friend to me now. I know we have not known each other that long but we just seem to get along really well, so I should just tell him I guess because we tell each other everything and he will probably figure out I'm lying, but I don't want him to get hurt by Jamie...Ahhhhhhh decisions!

I was in my deep thoughts about what to tell Jack when I walked into this guy, who was with a bunch of his friends.
"Shit sorry"I said looking up at this random person, then looking at his friends.

"____?"Jack asked.
"Oh hi Jack"I said not really excited to see him for once, he was one of the friends of the guy I just walked into.

The other three friends of Jack, must be his school friends,
"What happened to your eye it's all red and swollen?"Jack asked.
Now I have to choose what to tell him...ahhh Fuck.

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