Chapter 28

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*Jack's POV*
____ fell asleep on me not Long after the sun has set completely so I carefully got up and packed up the stuff into my rucksack then I picked up ____ bridal style, as they apparently call it, and carried her back to the hotel.

I soon got back and put her into our den we made...and then got changed and joined her not long after.
I cuddled up to her and soon fell asleep myself.

The next morning I was awoken by ____ moving in my arms.
"Jack?"____ whispered.
"Yeah?"I replied.
She turned to face me and told me "Thank you for last night, I had an amazing time and it was all thanks to you"
"It's alright it really wasn't tha-"I was cut off by ____ kissing me just like she did last night. The kiss deepened and ____ sat on my lap as we continued to kiss.
I licked her lips asking for entrance but she denied and broke off the kiss and just smirked at me.
"You are Such a tease"I told her emphasising the word Such.
"Deal with it Bruh"she smiled and got off me and left the room.

I decided I should probably get up and so I went down the hall to see where ____ went. I really want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I'm scared to...I don't know why though because I know she likes me.

Anyway I went down the hall and ____ was making breakfast (Yes, this hotel had a kitchen in it how Awesome is that) but she had her headphones on and was dancing whilst cooking...She didn't notice I was here so I just stood and watched her dance around in her checkered top that she wore last night, She did have black leggings on but she must have taken them off but the top was long enough to cover her up.

I was watching her dance and recorded her for about 5 minutes before she realised I was leaning against the door way watching her.
"Ohmygod, How long you have you been stood there?" She said taking out her headphones, taking the pancakes off the heat, then covering her face with embarrassment.
"Long enough to get a video of you" I smirked waving my phone around.
"You little shit..."She cussed and started to chase me around the hotel room until she cornered me and tried to jump for it but as I'm taller than her I just held it out of her reach, but she jumped on me and we both fell to the floor her landing on top of me, so ____ was sat on me and my phone fell out my hand so it slid across the floor now out of both of our reach. ____ leant over me, well my head technically, to reach my phone that was directly above my head, since I was led on the floor, just out of my reach, but ____ leant over me and grabbed it before I could and she quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, I'm guessing to delete the video...Dammit, that would have been brilliant to put on YouTube.

____ came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and gave my phone back.
"Ha, now the video is gone biiiaaaatttccch" she said poking her tongue out at me.
"God damn it I was going to put that on YouTube"I told her.
"Well good thing it's gone then, Anyway back to the pancakes"____ said skipping back to the kitchen, and No I did not stare at her ass...okay but only a quick glance.
I followed behind her and when I walked into the kitchen ____ handed me a plate with two pancakes on...
"Enjoy"She chimed as she went back over to the stove.
"Are you sure you don't want the first ones and I can make mine?" I asked.
"Shut up and eat them"____ said then turned around and smiled.
"Thaaaannnnkkk youuuu"I sang.
"Youuuurrrrr weeeelllcccoooommmmeeee"She sang back.
I ate my pancakes and they were the best I've ever I was eating heaven.
"Ohmygod How do you cook so well?" I hummed as I savoured the last piece of pancake I had.
"I have no idea..."____ shrugged.
"I heard you make Amazing cakes?"I asked.
"Apparently, why where did you hear that?"She replied sitting down at the table and eating her pancakes.
"When we went to see Paige, she told me you always made cakes when you were like 15/16 and that they were really good"I explained.
"Oh right yeah, well apparently they were but I never tasted them because I don't like cake that much"____ responded.
"I know I still can't believe that, I Mean come on cake if Life"I said.
"I think everyone knows you think cake if life, but personally I prefer cookies...also speaking of Paige she text me earlier, for some reason she is holding a party tomorrow at like 8 if we want to go"____ informed me.
"I thought you and Paige didn't like at all" I said.
"No, we don't that's why I kind of want to go to know why she's throwing one"She replied.
"Fair enough, do you think I would be able to invite someone?" I asked thinking.
"Yeah...I'm sure Paige won't mind but who?"____ replied looking at me with a confused face as she got up and put her plate in the sink.
"Mark"I told her.
____ spat out her drink that she started drinking and stared at me with wide eyes.
"Are you serious?"She questioned.
"Yup, if he's up for it and can make it in time" I told her.
"Paige will probably cry"____ chuckled.
"That would be funny"I laughed.
"Well I'm going to Skype him now if you want to say hi"I told ____.
"Yes! Of course I do"____ squealed.
I set up my laptop and we sat in our den and I went into Skype and started to call Mark.
He answered after 4 rings.
"Hey Jack what's up?"He greeted.
"Hey Mark"I replied.
"Who's that?"Mark asked hinting at ____.
"Oh sorry that's ____, my girlfri- I mean friend my friend"I said going red...I did not mean to say that.

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