Chapter 24

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*Jack's POV*
We had just left Paige's house/apartment and we went back to the hotel, and then we were going to meet ____'s parents at her house and we were going there for dinner.

We got to the hotel and I grabbed a blindfold and quickly put on my burgundy hoodie and restyled my hair once I put my grey beanie on.

I put the blindfold on ____.
"Jack why are you making me wear a blindfold?" ____ asked really confused which made me laugh.
"Don't laugh...I'm worried as to what you will do"She added.
"Do you trust me?"I asked her holding both of her hands and standing in front of her even though she can't see me.
"Yes, why?"____ asked.
"That is all you need to do, you just need to trust me and I will lead you to where we are going but it is a surprise okay?"I told her.
"Okay, I trust you"she told me holding on to me as we walked out of the hotel and towards ____'s parent's house.

We soon made it and I knocked on the front door and ____'s mum answered...she didn't say anything but signalled for us to come in.

I helped ____ inside and shut the door behind me, we went to the lounge and sat her down on the sofa.
"Jack where are we?"She asked.
I didn't respond I just took of her blindfold.
"Ohmygod mum" ____ said and got up and hugged her.
Then she hugged her dad and brother and then me.
"Thank you Jack...I was actually going to ask if we could go and see my family but I didn't know if you wanted it to be just us...but I wanted you to meet my parents"She told me.
She let go of hugging me and we all went and sat at the dinner table and ____'s mum got the pots of vegetables and stuff for the roast, I asked if she wanted any help but she said she was okay...she was carrying like 4 pots or pans at a time, that girl has some plus one biceps alright.

Once everything was on the table and set up we all dug in.
"____, do you know Jack phoned up and said about you coming round and arranged most of it"Laura, ____'s mum, said.
"Awh Jack" ____ said hugging me.
"So...are you two dating then?" Scott asked.
Both of ____ and I's faces both went bright red.
" Scott we're aren't"____ told her brother.
"I'm surprised...____, you always, like literally always, used to talk about Jack when you used to live here...and Jack the way you treat my sister and what you do for her makes me know that you like her a lot" Scott, ____'s brother, told us.
Again we both went red.
"Ohmygod...____, this is the famous Jack that you always used to talk about and who you got a tweet from saying to give your mum a high five because of what she liked on Facebook?! Nice to meet you...and I love your video' by the way!"Aarron, ____'s dad, asked shocked.
____ put her face in her hands, I could slightly see her face and she was as red as a fire truck.

It made me chuckle at how she was embarrassed.
"OhMyGod you guys are so embarrassing!" ____ exclaimed.
"So ____, I hear you liked to talk about me" I smiled looking at her.
"Shut up" she said playfully hitting my arm.

*half an hour of talking, mostly about ____ talking about Jack later*
"Wow, Mrs____, you make an amazing roast dinner"I told her.
"It wasn't just me, actually most of the cooking was done by Aarron but thank you Jack"Laura told me smiling.
I smiled back and went to the lounge where ____ was.
"Hi Jack"She said as I sat next to her.
"Hi, you alright?"I asked.
"Yeah...thank you so much for doing this"____ said.
"As you can see my family like to embarrass me"____ chuckled.
"Or you just like to talk about me"I replied winking.
"Shut up you"She replied trying not to smile...but obviously failing.
"No but seriously this means a lot that you arranged this for me..."she added.
"It was no problem, your family are awesome"I told her.

____'s family rejoined us in the lounge and  We spent the rest of the evening at ____'s parents house playing board games and talking and messing around and I love ____'s parents and her brother, they're all really nice and have a great sense of humour.

At around half 10 me and ____ left and headed back to the hotel.
It was a nice walk back under the stars...I know I know cliché but it was nice.
Part of the way back to the hotel ____ skipped down the street...I have no fucking clue why...but it was quite adorable.
But anyways we soon got back and we both decided to watch some of Mark's video's before we went to sleep.
"Do you want to meet Mark when we get back to Ireland?"I asked.
"As in like over skype?"I added.
"Are you fucking serious...ohmygod yes..."She replied jumping on me and hugging me.
I hugged her back and then started tickling her sides...not her feet she hates her feet being touched, ____ once kicked Paige in the face because she touched her feet...yeah Paige told me that one when we were at her house.
Her laugh is so cute.
Bad idea to tickle ____, because she was on me from hugging me before, when I was tickling her we both fell on the floor and ____ accidentally, well I hope it was accidentally, elbowed me in the dick and it fucking hurt.
"I'm soooooo sorry Jack"____ exclaimed.
"It's..........alright"I told her.
____ got up and left somewhere. I managed to sit up on the chair in our hotel room.
____ came back a few minutes later with an icepack, she walked over to me to give me the icepack but she tripped over the leg on the bed and the icepack we t to the right place but ____'s hand was still grasping the bag and she kind off fell on me.
She instantly got up her face bright red and went out to the balcony.
I was actually pretty red in the face too...that was slightly awkward.

My Youtube Obsession.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora