Chapter 6

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*Jack's POV*
I had left around half 8 to go and pick up my friends, Jake, Simon and Nathan, from the train station because they lived about an hour away.

I went and picked them up and drove back to mine and ____'s place and she wasn't there, she must have gone out.
"Ayye Jack who's this you left a note for?"Nathan asked nudging my arm.
"My room mate ____"I explained.
"Ooooh room mate hey"Simon winked at me.

"Not like that, And I already have a girlfriend, she's in Korea"I explained.
"Oh..."They all replied.
"Is she hot?"Jake asked.
"Who?"I said to him confused.
"____ your room mate, is she hot?"He asked again.
"Urr...I guess"I replied.
"Then Dibs"Jake called.
"Really? You're seriously dibsing my room mate"I said to him shaking my head.
"Yup"He said popping the P.
"You've never met her"I said chuckling.
"I don't care, if she's hot I'm calling dibs"He said.
"You're such a dickhead" Nathan laughed.
"Where is this room mare if yours then...Is she upstairs?"Jake said running upstairs with Simon and Nathan closely following.

I just laughed to myself, knowing she wasn't home and followed behind and they rushed around to try and find her room, I'm guessing, because when they found it they all said "she isn't home"
I just nodded and headed back downstairs and they followed.

In the end we all decided to go out for a walk and go get some coffee.
Whilst we were walking through the park Jake bumped into someone.

"Shit sorry"She said looking up and I saw her face it was ____, I knew I recognised that voice.

"____?"I asked.
"Oh hi Jack"She said not really happy to see me, which kind of hurt.

"What happened to your eye it's all red and swollen?"I asked noticing it.
"Oh um....I may punched"She told me, When she said that I tensed up and felt angry...I don't know why though.
"Who by?" Jake asked, he would not stop staring at ____.
"Urrmm...Jamie"She said just loud enough for me to hear.

"Why the fuck did he do that?!"I said with my hand on her cheek looking at her eye that was now swollen and black and blue.

she started to cry and I just hugged her.
"Do you want to go back to the house to talk about it?"I asked.
I felt her nod and we then walked back to the house with ____'s arms around my waist the entire time, partly hugging me.

The guys also introduced themselves to ____ on the way home.
We got inside and went and sat in the lounge and ____ started to explain what happened.

"Basically I went for a walk and Jamie text me asking me if I wanted to meet him and I did and basically he told me he had slept with this girl Sophie, who tries to get on everyone...She's such a fucking slut...then I said nothing and he told me to say something and I shouted at him and tried to walk away and he grabbed me and pinned me up against a wall and tried to touch me up, so I beat him off and then he got back up and punched me in the eye, but then I managed to knock him out and then I knocked into Jake and now I'm here"

"I thought he wouldn't do this to me...I loved him...I trusted him"____ added as tears streamed down her face.

I got up and hugged her, she hugged back and put her arms around my neck and clung onto me still crying.

"It's okay, it's're so much better than him...he isn't worth your tears"I told her.
Her tears slowly started to stop after a while and she let go of her grip on me, smiled and sat back down on the sofa.
"you're right, He isn't worth my tears, so let's play some COD:Ghosts so I can beat all of your asses and take my mind of the Twat of an ex called Jamie"____ said.
It made me smile knowing she was happy again, it made me happy...I don't know why but her smile was just perfect.

Wait Jack you can't be saying that you have a girlfriend...speaking of which I need to Skype her in a bit.

"Bring it on ____ bring it on"Nathan said as Jake set up the Xbox.
"Winner plays the next person, ueah?"Simon asked.
"Yeah"____ answered.
"Game on biatches"I replied grabbing a controller.

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