Chapter 15

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*Your POV*
I went and met Jasmine at Costa and we went around town shopping most of the day.
"Yeah you know I told you I was flat mates with Jack, yeah well do you want to meet him?"I asked.
"Yes! I want to meet the guy who is taking you on a date and who you always used to fangirl over whenever he put up a video"She said.

So we walked back to the apartment with all our bags, well I had 5 because I had bought some black Nike Air's, some checkered tops a pair of black jeans, a burgundy and a black beanie and a new bag.

We soon got there and I unlocked the door and dropped my bags by the door taking off my shoes at the same time.

I walked to Jack's recording room and put my ear up against the door to see if he was recording.
"What the frickety frac are you doing?"Jasmine asked.
"Seeing if he is recording"I replied.
Then the bloody door opened didn't it and I fucking fell onto Jack.

I almost knocked him over too but he caught embarrassing.
"What just happened?"He asked.
"What were you doing leaning against the door?"He added.
"Urm...I was seeing if you were recording and you opened the door and I fell on you...Because I wanted you to meet Jasmine"I said pointing to her.
"Oh hahaha, Hi jasmine"Jack said laughing at me.
"Don't laugh at me bitch"I said to him.
"I just did what you gonna do bout it?"He sassed.
"This"I replied as I put him in a head lock.
"Okay you win"He said.
"Good"I replied releasing him.
"Jasmine this is Jack...Jack this is Jasmine"I told them both.
"Hi Jack...I've heard a lot about you...literally at Uni ____ never stopped talking about you..."jasmine told him.
I just gave her a death glare as my cheeks went bright red.
"Stop know I hate that death glare"Jasmine said.
"I know that's why I did it"I replied.

We all vacated to the lounge and just talked and Jack and Jasmine got to know each other.

I left to go and get my phone charger in my room and when I turned around to leave my room Jack was stood right behind me.
"Holy Shit! Jack you've got to stop doing that"I said.
I tried to walk past him but he got in my way...
I looked up at him and frowned...
he just looked at me and smiled and refused to move.
I then tried to push him out of the way but failed.
"Jasmine help...Jack won't let me leave my room"I called to her.
Jasmine was soon stood outside of my bedroom in the hallway laughing at me failing to push Jack out of the way with all my might and he just wouldn't budge.
I finally managed to get past him, by going under his arm that he was leaning on the door frame with.
Buuuuut he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.
"Ahhhhh Jasmine help"I screamed.
Jack carried me downstairs and I was repeatedly hitting him, no too hard, on the back and telling him to put me down.
He eventually threw me on to the sofa and then ran off back upstairs to where Jasmine was.
Then I heard a scream from Jasmine and then Jack came downstairs with her over his shoulder and then put her on the other sofa but fell on her so he was lying on her and they were just staring at each other.

I didn't like this...I just left the room and went to the kitchen, got a drink and left the apartment.

I just need some fresh air...I just felt really jealous...because I really like Jack...I mean I have always loved him but not like this...I just felt sick when I saw them like that.

I just walked to the forest place that Jack took me before and I sat down took off my shoes and put my feet in the water watching the ripples of the water when my feet moved.

I didn't know how long I was sat here because I didn't have my phone on me...but it was starting to get dark and it was light out when I left...well duh if it was getting dark...I'm fucking idiot sometimes.

I decided it would be best to walk home, but I saw something/ someone just past the I followed them.

I carefully but quickly followed them further into the woods...I just ended up getting lost in the woods...I think my mind was playing on me again...Sometimes I can just picture faces in the clouds or an animal or figure in the dark...sometimes it creeps me out but I've been like this since I was about 12 so I'm kind of used to it.

Shit, now I'm lost and I don't have my phone or anyway of finding my way out of here unless I just keep walking.

I continued to walk and walk and walk...until I saw the same figure again but it was just looked like a guy wearing a hoodie with the hood up...
I swear I'm going crazy...I kept walking until I heard the sound of a waterfall and followed the noise...I finally reached the waterfall again where I originally was...but it was pitch black kong was I in the forest

I found my way out of the forest and even the street lights had turned off.
I got back to the apartment and snuck in...even though Jack is probably awake recording or something.

I went up to my room and got changed for bed, then went down to Jack's recording room to see he wasn't in there...So I went up to his room and knocked on the door.

Pretty much straight after I knocked Jack opened the door and I was being hugged...

"'re okay"He said into my neck which tickled.
"Where did you go and why did you just and Jasmine tried calling you and we even went and looked for you..."He said looking down at me.
He had been...crying.
"Jack why have you been crying?"I asked cupping his face in my hands.
"Because I didn't know where you were and I couldn't get ahold of you an you were gone for 5 hours...I started to panic"He told me looking down.
"I'm sorry...I just left because I was jealous..."I said walking away to my room, but Jack stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Jealous of what?"He asked confused.
"Of when you fell on Jasmine after you carried her and you guys were just staring at each other and I felt super jealous"I told him.

"Awh...why were you jealous...Who's the one I'm taking on a date?"He asked smiling.

"...Me..."I replied looking right at him.
" you don't need to be jealous...okay...?"He said.
"Okay"I replied.
"Night Jackaboy"I said to him as I went to leave again but got stopped again by Jack.

"Nope I'm not letting you leave...nit after you scared me earlier by leaving for 5 hours"Jack told me pulling me into his room and closing his door.
"But I want my bed"I told him.
"Well you can sleep in mine with me"He said.

"Okay...only because your bed looks comfy"I told him smiling.
I them got into his bed and snuggled into the duvet, but then Jack took the duvet away and cuddled into me...obviously I cuddled back...I know we aren't a couple or even dating yet but it's not like we are in other relationships so us sleeping in the same bed and cuddling isn't that bad...but I soon fell asleep cuddled up next to Jack.

A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating loads...But I will do more in a few weeks because I only have 4 more exams left out of 11...YAY! :D
Again sorry fir not updating but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to update when I can. :P

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