Chapter 12

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A/N: You guys are Amazing, literally the Best. 951 Views I was not expecting that at all...In fact I wasn't expecting any...I wrote this because I love Jack and I enjoy writing. Thank You so much. This means so much and I love you guys for it. SMOOOOCCHHHHESSSSS.
Haha...sorry I'll get on with the story now.

*Jack's POV*
I had just pushed ____ into the lake, from the ledge, and she turned around an pulled me in with her.

So we both just landed into the water and as soon as I came to the surface, I was jumped on, I mean I didn't even have time to open my eyes before ____ jumped on me.
"What are you doing?"I asked.
"I'm on your back, because you pushed me into the water so now you can give me a piggy back"She told me.
"Oh really?"I replied then tilted backwards so she fell off me and back under the water.

She soon resurfaced and scowled at not the death glare....oh god.
"Stop know I don't like your death glare...It's creepy"I said slowly backing away.
"Then it's working"she said.

When she finally stopped giving me the death glare, we both got out the water and packed up the stuff into my bag, but what I hadn't noticed until now was that ____'s black laced bra was showing through her white t-shirt.
I couldn't help but blush...I don't know why though.
"Ur...____, your Bra is showing through your t-shirt"I told her.
"Is it...oh.."She said looking down and realising.
"Enjoying the view are we?"She asked looking at me smirking.
"I wasn't looking"I said nervously.
"Your cheeks say otherwise"____ said laughing and started to walk back out the forest.
"Damn it"I muttered to myself.
"Heard that"She replied.
"How the Fu-"I said to myself.
I soon caught up to ____ and handed her my hoodie, I had.
"Here, put this on..."I said handing her the hoodie.
"Thank you"She replied putting it on.

We soon got back to the apartment and ____ went to take a shower.

I went to my room and got changed into some dry clothes, then I went to my recording room, if you want to call it that, and sat in my chair spinning around trying to figure out what game to play tonight.

I was in mid thought, thinking about doing a Happy Wheels video or not...when my computer started bleeping at me.

I spun my chair around to see what it was, and to my surprise it was Alice, why was she calling.

I answered her call and she was crying...
"Sean..."She said looking into my eyes.
"I'm so sorry...I...I didn't mean what I said...I was just jealous...I love you..."She added.
I was slightly taken back by her words.
"I want to be with you again"Alice told me.

"I love you too...bu.."I started to say.
"Then why don't we get back together...on one condition though and you have to tell me the truth"She started.
"Is ____ still living with you?"She asked.
I still loved Alice, but now I don't know what to do...
"No, she found an apartment just outside town...she wanted her own place"I lied.
"Good, I love you"She said.
Shit what have I done.
"I'll call you back later I meed to have a shower, okay?"I tell her.
"Bye I love you"She says.
"Love you too"I say and end the Skype call.
Fuck. Me.
What have I done...I just lied to Alice and now I'm back with her...I had almost gotten over her...with the help of ____. She was even going to help me find someone else when I was ready...Speaking of which I can't tell ____ because she will hate me for it.

I just sat in my computer chair with my hands in my hair and my elbows on the desk thinking about what I have done.

I was again interrupted by my thoughts by ____ at the door.
"Urm...Jack the bathroom is free"She told me smiling.
"Thanks"I said.
"Are you okay?"____ asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, just got a bit of a headache that's all"I told her...lying again.
"Awh, maybe a nice hot shower will cure it along with some painkillers"She said smiling.
"Yeah, I'll go and have a shower and I should feel better after hopefully"I told her walking upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower and when I was all dried and changed I went downstairs into the lounge where ____ was sat playing a game on her laptop.
"Feeling any better?"She asked her eyes still on the game, which was Mortal combat X.
"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better thanks, I'm probably going to record and then upload tonight's video's"I told her.
"Okay, I'll be in here or in my room if you need me"She replied.
"Okay"I said as I walking off and into my recording room.

Like I had decided earlier, I was going to play happy wheels.
So I set up the game and started my recording.

*Half an hour later*
I had finished my recording and was now uploading my 8 o' clock video, which was a reading your comments video.

I then started to edit my Happy Wheels video and my other video I had already filmed, which was GTA V on the PC, and by the time I had finished it was half 12 so I decided to go to bed.

It wasn't until I was in bed I realised I hadn't called Alice back...oh I will call her tomorrow, I thought and soon after that went to sleep.

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