Chapter 22

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*Jack's POV*
I woke up to a bucket of water being thrown over me...Why I have no idea.

"What the fuck?"I asked.
____ was just sat there almost pissing herself with laughter.
"Why did you do that?"I asked her now drenched.
"That's what you get for pushing me in the sea yesterday"She told me.
"So you decide to pour cold water over me at 10 past 6 in the morning?" I asked.
"Yup"She replied popping the P and smiling like an innocent child.
"Well then, looks like you need a big hug then"I told her smirking.

I then chased her around the room trying to catch her.
"Jack Stop"____ kind of screamed.
"Nope"I said finally catching her and wrapping my arms around her from behind, and then I wiped my wet hair in the crook of her neck.
"Stop's cold"She said trying to wriggle away.

I let go of her and said "So that was your way of getting even?"
"Yes...Yes it was"____ replied.
"fair enough, but I'm going to go have a shower"I told her.
"Okay, have fun I will probably be watching Doctor Who or Kingsman"She told me.
I just chuckled at her, she is in love with that film and's cute.

I had a nice hot shower and walked out of the bathroom in just my towel because I didn't take any clothes in with me to the bathroom but it was alright and plus ____ didn't even notice she was watching something on her laptop and didn't even notice me walk out of the bathroom.

I walked over to the bed and leant over to see what she was watching...Doctor Who...not a surprise really.

I have never watched Doctor Who ever, but I love anything to do with time travel and I've wanted to watch it for a while now.

I sat down with ____ on the bed and sat watching it with was actually pretty cool.

*35 minutes later*
The episode finished and I can tell why ____ really likes this programme.

A/N: Sorry of you don't like Doctor Who. :/

____ looked at me confused, when the episode finished.
"How long ago did you get out of the shower because you're bone dry"She said poking my chest.
"About 35-40 minute ago"I told her.
"How come you're still in your towel?...I mean I'm not complaining but..."____ asked.
"Haha, and because I wanted to know what you were watching and then got hooked"I admitted.
"So you like Doctor Who?!"____ asked as she leant on her hands and knees on the bed (Not like that) and leant towards me, I was standing at the end of the bed at this point, waiting for my answer.
"'s pretty Awesome"I told her.
"Yay"She leapt up and hugged me.
"Anyway get dressed Mr you have a Paige to meet"She said letting go and poking my cheek.
"So what Are we doing today then?"I asked whilst getting changed. Yes ____ was facing the other way calm down.
"Well I kind of need to get a new phone, but they don't open until 9:30 and Paige won't be awake until like 12 because it's Paige so I could show you around, we could go to the phone shop then Paige's?"____ suggested.
"Yeah that sounds cool, but I also want to take you somewhere later so don't make any plans for this evening"I told her smiling.
"Oooookkkaaaaayyy"____ said slightly confused.

I was going to take her to see her mum, dad and brother, but she doesn't know so that will be fun.

A/N: I'm sorry it's so short but I will try and get another chapter out as soon as possible.
But I also wanted to know If you do like Doctor Who or have ever watched it Who is your favourite Doctor and why.
Mine is Matt Smith then David Tennant a close second because they are both funny actors and they are both Awesome. :P

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