Chapter 2: The beginning

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  As the years passed, I started growing from an infant to a toddler. I learned about life and how it goes and being close to my mother Audrey. The bond we have of Mother and son is really strong since she raised me.

   I just turned at the age of 5 and my birthday was yesterday. It was a great birthday. My mom and her friends were there to celebrate it for me. I didn't have any friends of my own age since I was scared since I feel shy and never want to talk to anyone except my mother Audrey. There are mostly more Anthros than humans. The population of Zon is 70% Anthro and 30% of humans around. The humans in Zon aren't feared by the furries.

    A human came to a furry and just made a friendly conversation together. The humans and furries can truly coexist since they are not feared of each other at all.

The next morning, I woke up in Audrey's arms in bed. I try to wake her up to start our day.

"Mom, mommy, it's time to get up."

She moaned and said, "10 more minutes sweetie..."

She turned away on the other side of the bed.

  Then I decided to do my only solution that never fails to get my mom up. I started scratching both of her ears.

  She scrunched up a bit and her tail wagged. "Stan, please stop that. What did I tell... you about my ears?" Then she hugged me tight and teases me by softly nipping my neck. "I'm going to eat you up." She nipped my neck and it felt weird. "Mom please stop, it tickles.
She let's go of me and says, "That's what you get for scratching my ears sweetie." She got up and put her robe on and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I started my day of getting dressed and brush my teeth and hair. Audrey started making some eggs, bacon and pancakes. She really knows how to cook as a perfect chef . I sat down and serves me a plate with a stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon. I started the pancakes since the taste of them are like an explosion of great taste with syrup. Audrey smiles and makes some coffee and sat down next to me.
"Hey Stan. There is something I want to tell you." I stopped eating and ask, "what is it mom?"
"Well Stan since you're five years old now. I registered for you to attend school tomorrow." I was shocked and said, "School!"
Audrey knew it's a big step for me since I'm not sure how to make friends.
"I know it's hard for you Stan but school is important since you need to learn about life."
"I know but I'm not sure about going." I said.
Then Audrey wrapped her tail around me and said, "Are you nervous being near others and don't know how to make friends that are not human like you?"

I looked down for a minute and answered. "Yes I don't know how to make friends."

She hugged me deeply and said, "It will be alright, you have me and I'll help you."
During the afternoon, My Mom took me to the mall to find me some school clothes and some school supplies for the first day of school tomorrow. I held my mom's hand tightly since there was a huge crowd that I didn't want to get lost in.
We stopped at a few stores and Audrey picked some nice clothes for me to wear and tried them to see that they fit.
Then, I found a backpack I like since it's red and has extra room.
"May I have this backpack mom?"
She looked at the price and it was cheap so she bought it for me. After some shopping, we went to the park for a bit. I was playing in the sandbox. I see other kids playing at the playground but I had a fear of going over there that I just want to be alone.
Audrey relaxes at the picnic table with her best friend Ashley. Ashley is a cougar and she is really nice and warm hearted and a couple years older than Audrey
. "So Audrey, is Stanton starting school tomorrow?"
"Yeah but he's still nervous being with others. He hadn't made any friends yet either."
Ashley notices Audrey is getting concerned and says, "It's normal for children when they start school. Don't worry about it. Stan will do fine."
She put her arm around Audrey to comfort her.
"I hope so Ashley."
When I was relaxing in the sandbox, a couple of kid Foxes that are really tall and looked 5 years older than me walked close to me. I felt a little terrified, when the fox in front gave me a scary looking smile.
He asked, "What are doing over here by yourself?"
I wasn't able to answer since I was scared. I stood up and was about to leave but the fox behind me grabbed both of my arms with a strong grip. I started to freak out since he pulled me back close.

"Whoa, where do you think you are going? We are just wondering no-fur? Why are you playing by yourself, is it because you're scared of us?"

He poke me since I didn't answer. They started teasing me by poking me and scaring me for fun.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"
I didn't answer and couldn't move. I quietly said, "Let go of me..."
They both laughed and the one in front of me said, "No, we've been thinking of eating you."

I shouted, "LET GO OF ME!"
The fox laughed and said, "Whoa geez, take a damn joke human. What are you scared of? You humans are all the same."

Then, I lost it, I got terrified and bit the fox in the arm to make him let go of me.
I broke free and pushed them away and ran off! I screamed and ran to Audrey.
"Mom! Mom! Mom!"
Audrey stood up really fast with concern. I ran into her arms and cried in fear.
"Hey, hey what's wrong?" She knelt down to my level and hugged me tightly.
I tried to speak but my sobbing gave me a hard time to talk clearly. "They were.... scaring me, and... and they grabbed me and saying that... they will" Audrey was shocked and then saw the them walking from the sandbox. "Ashley can you watch Stan for a minute? I got to do something important real quick." Ashley picked me and comfort me in her arms. Audrey saw the foxes laughing at the jungle gym. Just then she walked up to them and grab their ears. "Ow Ow! What are you doing lady?!" Audrey then shouted, "You boys have been bullying my son!!! Now I'm going to tell you parents about this!!!" Audrey pulled their ears to their mother that sitting at a bench texting.
Audrey went to the mother and said, "Excuse me ma'am, your boys bullied and terrified my son!!!"
Then mother stopped texting immediately and said, "I'm very sorry about that."
Audrey finally let go of their ears and said, "Next time, keep an eye on them!"
We went home after that since I just wanted to be in my room hiding under the covers. Audrey then came in to check on me. She noticed that I was really scared of being near others that are my age.

She then sat on the bed and asked, "Sweetie are you okay?"
Then I said, "I don't want to go to school..."
Then Audrey said, "Don't worry, you will be alright. I know it's hard for you and today wasn't fair for you. Those kids didn't mean to scare you, they are not going to eat you, they just want to tease you because you are a human. But that won't happen again okay?"
I was quiet for a moment but I said, "ok."

Then later on, Audrey and I slept on my bed together since she wanted to make sure I know that she will always be there since she is the best mother I ever had.

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