Chapter 27: Through the middle to Mars

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      We all headed to Mars, armed and ready for the fray. We see the SDF orbital shipyard as the main base and the heart of the SDF. As Tim sets course, we all headed to the armory and get geared up to the unprepared.
     We crossed the territory line and Tim started firing at the SDF ships. The battle has begun and we started firing. I got in a Jackel and flew out into space and helped my brother Fox firing down the SDF ships. The SDF responded and started firing back at us but they weren't strong enough to push as away since the Zon military and UNSA helped us have a strong offense. We kept pushing to the orbital shipyard to attack but more SDF kept coming and attack us. I use my ace piloting skills and done some tricks and shot down a carrier but I noticed my brother is in trouble since he was being tailed by an SDF Ace pilot.  I fired a rocket and it hit him and I shot him down.

"Thanks little Brother." Fox said.

"No problem."

We went through the halfway point, The Retribution was heavily damaged but still standing, the great Fox was a little damaged as well but we still kept pushing. But then A heavily SDF Carrier came and fired a dangerous Laser that instantly destroyed a Zon Carrer.

"Everyone destroy that carrier!" I Shouted

Everyone started firing at it but it has strong armor plating that didn't make a stratch.

"Nothings working!" Krystal shouted

I had an idea but it wasn't a good one.

"I'm going in!" I shouted

"What?! Stan! That's too dangerous!" Brock shouted.

"I'll be alright besides I promise myself that I avenge her!"

"Stan, Don't be stupid!" Falco shouted.

I landed my Jackal and got into my gamerknight armor and started attacking my way to the bridge. I sliced every one that standed in my way and headed to the main hall. I kept fighting and killing the enemy and headed inside the bridge. Then I saw Akeel Min Riah, Salen's best friend. He activated his suit of armor and attacked. I fought him and he was a challenge but he wasn't strong as Salen. I threw him across the controls and he fired his minigun at me. I grabbed it and tore it off his armor and I bashed his face on the control panel. I stab him in the torso with my sword. Then I noticed he had explosives attached to his chest and he pushed a button.


"Stan! Stan! Come in!!" Brock shouted!!

"I'm alright. The ship is clear, it's set to self destruct!" I shouted.

I ran out of the bridge and headed back to my jackal and flew out in time before the carrer explodes.

The fleet kept going and made it close to the Shipyard.

Tim setted course and got ready to ram the shipyard with Retribution.

But then the Great Fox lost control and acticidentaly got in the way and crashed into Retribution.

"Shit!" I shouted.

"MAYDAY MAYDAY! Retribution losing control systems unresponsive!" Tim Shouted.

"Im hit, my Jackel is going down!" Krystal Shouted.

I got hit and about to crash into Mars.

"Mayday! My ship is breaking up I can't hold it!" I shouted!

30 minutes later...

I woke up injured and try to climb out of my jackal. I saw Retribution crashed landed over a mountain. I started walking down a path to find survivors. Then I saw the Great Fox crash landed 6 miles away from where I'm at.


I started limping further and saw a crash site of a UNSA Carrier. And I saw Brock helping a human soldier sit down.

"Brock..." I said.

"Stan!" He shouted as we ran to me.

He helped me sit down and looked at my leg.

Brock noticed it severely brused but wasn't fractured. he the gave some pain killers to help the pain go away. I stood back up and started to walk normal. We started walking to the crash site of the Retribution. It was a long walk but we made. We got ambushed by some Zon soldiers and a few UNSA.

"Resistance Resistance! Blue blue!" Brock shouted.

They noticed us and lowered their weapons and took us to the crash site.

Krystal and Emma saw us coming and ran to us with hugs an kisses.

Later on we scavenge from the Retribution to get us ready to fight our way to the space elevator to the Shipyard. It won't be easy since they is only a few left. 25 UNSA soldiers, 30 Zon soldiers, me, Krystal, The resistance, and StarFox against 670 SDF soldiers at the base guarding the elevator.

We all got in a dropship and headed to the base.

Falco said while he was landing the dropship, "LZ will be hot!"

The door opens and we charged and fired our weapons back. I fired my rifle at the enemy and gave my friends and opening to push forward. Brock jumped forward and threw a smoke gernade. We charged and took the SDF down as a team and headed in a structure to get through. Tim and I forced opened a door and noticed a soldier firing a minigun. Tim pushed me out of the way and he got shot down to death.

"TIM NO!" I Shouted. I got in my Gamerknight armor and killed the SDF soldier mercessly for avenging Tim. We kept pushing and fighting closer and made it to the space elevator. The UNSA and the Zon soldiers and Starfox decided to stay and keep SDF enemys from entering the Elevator. Me, Krystal, Brock, Emma, Gwen, and Elizabeth headed in the elevator and got ready to head to the SDF shipyard.

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