Chapter 15: Layat wars

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Drifting in space, getting a mission and getting a payment afterwards is something but I wanted have the freedom to have fun and more than just be in space. Fox changed a lot ever since we left Corneria. I noticed he's not the brother I used to know. He's always pushy and gets on to me very often. I don't understand why maybe because he wants improve to be like our father but sometimes he just resents our brotherhood.
        When we where not busy, I just go to my room and call Loona. I do it twice a week since I don't want to concern her if I don't call her. It went to voicemail today so I left her a message and hanged up. Just then, General Pepper was on the line. I ran to the bridge to see what's our next mission. 

"Star Fox! Corneria is under attack! We need your help! Show Andross no mercy!" General Pepper shouted.

"Yes sir! We're on our way!" Fox shouted.

     I ran to my and got my gear on and my equipment!

"Stan hurry up!" Fox shouted before he ran to the hangar.

I hurried and jumped into my arwing and closed the canopy. Everyone one else got ready and set course to Corneria. We went in the atmosphere and get ready to pull up.

"Open the wings!"  Fox shouted!

     Everyone did so and we were ready to battle. The enemy started firing at us. I planned my move and started firing some ships down. Then, Slippy jumped the gun of going too far while he was attacking.

"Slippy get back here!" Peppy shouted.

A few enemy ships were behind Slippy I aimed and shot them down easily.

"Thanks Stan." Slippy said.

"No problem." I said.

We entered Corneria city and it was in bad shape. We started firing ships down we encountered. We saw the Corneria tower ahead.  Then a huge ship appears and sends more enemy ships out.

"All range mode!" Fox shouted.

We adjusted our wings and started firing. Enemy ships starting to come together as a swarm clould.

"Damn what a pain in the ass!" Falco shouted.

"Just shoot them down." Peppy said.

They started to retreat but the mother ship stood it's ground and kept attacking. Slippy got to work and said, "Energy sheild analyzed!"

I turned the stick hard to turn around and shot down a weak spot. Part of the ship went down and Fox took part of it down as well. We had the upperhand and successfully took it down. It was pretty easy since it was my first mission.

"Thank you Star Fox! We will let you know when we need help." Said General Pepper.

"No problem General. We going to go much as we can." Fox said.

Our next mission was at Fortuna but it was a day away by hyper speed. So we went back in the Great Fox to relax and rest for tomorrow. During the evening. Falco was watching TV while Slippy was working on the arwings. Peppy was napping in his room while I secretly call Loona in my room. Fox went to the kitchen to get some whiskey since he's in a depression.

Fox sighed and thinks about his father.

"Fox?" I called as I walked in the kitchen.

"What?" He asked.

"I was just wondering if your doing alright." I said as I sat next to him with a can of soda.

"I'm doing fine Stan."

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