Chapter 9: The reputation

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      After the incident at the park, I was confused and concerned about what happened to me. I looked at the mirror and thought of how my mentality went through is not normal at all. Seeing my memory of my mom getting killed and hearing the laughter of Salen in my head is not normal at all. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk to calm my nerves. As I poured a glass and took a huge gulp. I heard James talking to someone outside. I quietly walked outside and I saw James talking to a detective and a social worker. "James, this human child you have in custody could be at risk of PTSD." The detective says.  "He couldn't, he just can't, he's only seven years old!" James shouted.
"Sir, I know it's hard to believe in the truth. We pulled his past medical records out and it says possible post traumatic stress disorder. And the incident he had with those three delinquents might be the first stage of PTSD."
James shouted in frustration, "Look, those delinquents attacked him and he defended himself! What you are saying is bullshit!"
"Sir! Your human son might need urgent help in the future. He could get worse to the point that he won't be mentality stable at all."
James said, "Thanks for your concern! Have a nice night!"
James came inside and saw me eavesdropping. I looked at him without a word.
"Son, what are you doing up so late? You have school in the morning." He asked.
"PTSD?" I asked.
James was shocked that I knew but he tried to tell me there is nothing to worry about. He gave me some milk and cookies while he tried to explain things to me.
"Stan, I want you to tell me the truth, are you still thinking about your mother?"
I hesitated to answer but I told him.
"Yes and I have been having nightmares about it."
James was surprised and asked, "Have you been having some flashbacks or hearing things about it in your mind? Stan, you better not lie to me."
"Well I... I...yes..."
James was concerned but he denied that I have Post traumatic stress disorder. "Son, I'm always here for you, and Fox cares about you too. I will never leave you Stan. Remember that"
"Ok." I replied.
       James took me back to my room and I went to sleep on my bed.
The next morning...
      I waited for Loona outside of the classroom. "Good morning Stan." Loona said while giving me a hug.
"Morning Loona. How's your morning?" I asked.
"Good, how about you?"
"Good, I wish I could sleep in today." I said.
       Loona giggled and we held hands as we went into the classroom. Fox makes a gagging sound when he sees me and Loona close.
Then Katt flicks her finger on Fox's nose.
"Ow! What was that for?!" Fox shouted.
"Act mature for once, let your brother have his love." Katt says.
Fox rolled his eyes while he and Falco played download play on their DS systems before class.
As class started. The teacher passes out our graded math tests while I cross my fingers to hope I passed.
Loona giggled and said, "sometimes you're a dork."
"I am not." I said.
Loona blew in my ear on purpose.  "Ah!" I shouted.
      The class laughed a little. "Settle down class!" Ms. Lily shouted.
      "Loona and Stan, I don't mind that you two are close but please keep your love outside of class please." Ms. Lily said.
         The class laughed even louder as they heard that we do actually kinda love each other. "I said settle down class!" Ms. Lily shouted.
Loona and I blushed really deeply. As Ms.Lily gave me back my test, I looked and I was surprised I got an A plus. As for Loona she got a B minus on hers. Fox got frustrated when he got a D on his test. I tried to tell him that he should've studied earlier.
After class was over, I have been hearing rumors that I saved someone from Wolf and his friends. And everytime someone passes me they say hi to me and offer me a high five which was surprising to me. I was confused but maybe I found a way to earn respect. After school, Loona offered me to hangout at her house today so I let James know and he was alright with it but I'm not sure Fox doesn't like the idea at all but I can't blame him since he's a very overprotective brother.
       Loona and I started walking to her house and it wasn't very far from the school. As Loona unlocked the door with her house key, Her father was a huge and very buff wolf that I feared as he looked down.
"Hey Loony, how was school?" He asked.  "School is great dad."
Then, her father looked at me very closely.
"Is this the boy that you have been talking about all the time?"
"Yes Dad, he's very nice and his name is Stan."
Her father laughed and grabbed me and gave me a noogie. "Ha! Nice to meet you. I hope you respect my daughter!"
"Dad, please stop!" Loona shouted.
"Okay okay Loony." Then, he lets me go.
Loona showed me around her house and then she showed me her room. Her room was very gothic and dark but I like that kind of taste. She layed on her bed and pats her hand on the empty side that she wants me to sit next to her. I layed next to her and I was a little nervous as she nuzzled me on my face until she gave a lick on the cheek which made me feel that my body exploded.
She giggled and pulled me close to her so that I could feel her warm fur on my back. I melted and gave in and stayed very still while she kept licking and biting my ear. I breathe very slowly and my heart pounds at a fast rate and blush very red. Then, the moment that I treasure is when she kissed me on the lips. I felt numb from my body but felt her wet lips and nose touching my lips. My first kiss with a girl but with a wolf girl was even better in my opinion.
During the evening, we watched TV together in her room but her father wanted us to keep the bedroom door open so we won't do more than kissing and hugging. "Hey Stan, do you like horror movies?"
         "Sort of. I never watch them much since my father won't let me."
"How about Scream 4?" She asked
"I guess"
She put the movie in the DVD player and jumped back on the bed. As the movie starts, I wasn't really terrified at first since horror always starts normally fine until someone calls you and tells you to make sure that you lock your doors or someone in a mask will kill you. That's how scream movies go. I was able to handle my first horror movie. Loona laughs every time something bloody happens and she's used to it. As for me I'm kinda terrified. After the movie was over. I was a little scared honestly but I tried to shake it off.
Then, James came to pick me up since it was getting late.
Loona's dad came in and said, "Hey Stan, your dad is here!"
I gave Loona a goodbye kiss before going home for the day.
My first kiss and I might make some new friends at school since they start to respect me. I hope my new life goes on.

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