Chapter 8: The connection

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       The next morning, we got on the buses for a field trip to the museum today. As I got on the bus, I saw Loona sitting in the back seat. She looked at me and gave me a gesture that she wants me to sit next to her. I made my move and went and sat down next to her.
        While the buses started to be in motion Wolf o'Donnell saw me going in the bus earlier while he and his friends Leon and Andrew decided to skip school.
Wolf asked, "I wonder what that human came from?" "I don't know, Fox's Father might've adopted him from another planet." Leon answers. "Well whatever that human is, I don't like him since he's a son to James."
Andrew said, "Come on Wolf, you still think James is the reason your father got killed?"
Wolf gave Andrew a death stare and said, "YES IT'S TRUE! HE DIED BECAUSE OF JAMES!!!"
"Wolf damn calm down, are you trying to get us caught during school hours?!" Leon asked.
Wolf takes a deep breath and tries to calm down.
During the bus ride, Loona and I were talking about what we like and what our hobbies are. I noticed that she is a gamer like me. I noticed Loona is only a PlayStation 3 player but she was shocked that I only played a DS and a SNES. Then, some of the students were surprised that I was actually talking to a wolf without fear.  "Do you see that? That human came to a Wolf without fear?" "Yeah I know, does that human know that wolves can't be trusted?"
During the museum, Everyone was in a pair, Fox came to me and wanted me to be his buddy partner.
"Sorry Fox but I'm partnered with Loona." I said. Fox was shocked and disappointed but Falco decided to partner with Fox anyway.
Loona and I looked around the art painting section. I looked and I saw one that caught my eye. The painting shows an anthro holding a human infant which was called coexistence mothering. I wouldn't stop looking at it since it kind of triggered my small PTSD condition. I shed a tear and it made me see a flashback of my mother being shot. I shook it off. Loona noticed me and asked, "Are you crying?" I noticed a tear and wiped it away. "Umm... No, I'm okay. Let's just look somewhere else." Loona was confused and concerned that she decided to keep a close eye on me. I noticed something was wrong with me since, my mind is not normal since that flashback was some PTSD attack for the first time. I ignored it and looked at some display cases about the items inside.
Loona held my hand unexpectedly which made my condition vanish back to normal. Loona smiles and stays close to me.
"I can't believe Stan would be with that Wolf instead of me during this field trip!" Fox shouted.
"Fox, he's just confused, since that girl is teasing him with love." Falco says.
"I hope not because I want a girl touching my little human brother."
Fox and Falco looked around the space history area where Fox had interest in the Cornerian army and the history of the Laylat system.
"One day, I will be like my father in space."
"I'm with you Fox." Falco said.
During Lunch...
Everyone sat outside in the courtyard behind the museum to eat lunch. Loona unzips her lunch bag and has a can of coke, two slices of cold pepperoni pizza, some Lay's potato chips ,and some vanilla pudding. As for me, I just have a PB and J sandwich, Doritos, and a can of Pepsi. I started eating my sandwich and I noticed Loona scooted closer to me.
I was a little nervous but I scooted closer as well. Loona and I started to feel something while we ate. I felt my heart pounding when I felt her fur touching my skin.
After the field trip was over. Loona rested on my shoulder while we went back on the bus. Fox was sitting across furious and confused since he thinks Loona is a bad influence to me which she isn't. We made it back to school and Fox and I walked home.
"Stan, don't you think she is a bad influence?" Fox asked.
"Of course not!" I replied.
"Stan, she's a wolf and they are a dangerous anthro to get along with."
"They're not as bad as you think! You know I don't like labeling and judgement by stupid rumors. Wonder why my kind attacks because your kind is judgmental about how we are to you!!" I shouted
"Whoa!! Stan, that is not true!!! I know that your kind is afraid of what we are but we feared your kind attacking us for that reason!!!"
"Why don't we stop talking about that shit!!! I'm getting tired of everyone talking about how humans and furries don't get along. Because of human fears and attacks others while furries get impatient with humans! Can we all get along?! Why can't coexistence be perfect for once!!!!!!"
I ran away from Fox since I don't want him to see me cry.
"Stan, wait! I'm sorry ok! Come back here!" Fox shouted.
"Don't follow me!!" I shouted.
I ran into a park and hid and started letting out my tears. I sat down and tried to calm down. Then, I saw Wolf and friends bullying a few kids my age.
Wolf shouted, "For the last fucking time!!! Hand me your fucking Money!!"
"I don't have any!" The sheep anthro shouted.
Leon and Andrew grabbed him and beat the crap out of him. I walked up to Wolf and Shouted.
"Hey why don't you just leave him alone?!"
Wolf looked at me with a scary stare.
"Long time no see!!"
Leon and Andrew stopped and looked at me as well.
I was feared but I stood my ground. Wolf laughed and asked, "Are you going to do something about it?!" I stuttered a little and said, "l uhh..."
Wolf pushes me onto the and hits my head on the concrete. I held my head as I was in pain from the impact.
The three laughed and Wolf picked me up and shook me. Wolf shouted, "COME ON DO SOMETHING!!!" Then Wolf threw me onto the grass. I was bruised, hurt, and weak that I didn't want to get up." Wolf got annoyed and said, "Wonder why humans are weak and they only run their mouths." Just then my PTSD got triggered by something that Wolf said." My vision turned red and felt my anger going through my arteries and veins. I stood up and grabbed a rock from the ground. I Ran toward Wolf and bashed him with the rock on his left eye really hard. Wolf fell onto the ground unconscious. Leon and Andrew were shocked, and I attacked Leon next with a powerful left hook! Andrew grabbed hold of me but my PTSD anger overpowered him and I broke his right arm easily and his broken bone went through his skin and fur. Andrew screamed in pain and fell down screaming loudly. Then, a few adults came and a bear Anthro grabbed hold of me and tried to keep his arms tight around me. My PTSD vanished and went back to my senses. "Hey calm down kid! The bear Anthro shouted. My body felt numb as I temporarily couldn't feel anything after my PTSD attack. I was crying and exhausted and had trouble speaking when the authorities tried to talk to me. "Hey it's okay, calm down kid." I tried to calm down. "Now, what happened?"
"They.... Were bullying someone.....and they attacked me .....and that what ....happened." I said.
Later on... The cops arrested Leon while Wolf and Andrew were taken to a hospital. As for me, the cops gave me a ride home. James was waiting for me at the front door. I came out and feared and I saw James waiting for me. I walked to the porch while I felt my heart was going to explode.
Later... I wasn't in trouble much but James was very upset that I ran off from Fox since I got upset with him earlier. "Stan, I don't know what happened but you have to understand that you must try to adapt. Fox didn't mean what he said and there is nothing wrong about it. Do you understand Stan?"
"Yes Father." I said.
I try to adapt sometimes. But judgment is a curse.

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