Chapter 29: Vs Salen Kotch

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As I was walking down to the command center, my PTSD started to erupt and my vision turned red. Seeing Audrey getting shot and hearing Salen's laughter of doing it. My rage filled to my Max point and I ran and fought my way to the command center.
I kicked the door open to the server room and I started slaying every enemy soldier with my gamerknight sword. Slice their heads off, sliced their arms as well. I kept hearing Audrey's voice in my head and I started to see illusions while I was on a killing spree. I ran down a long hall and keep seeing my mother's face while I kill many SDF soldiers that were in my way.
I kept hearing her voice in my head. It kept getting louder when I got closer to the command center. Then I stopped when I saw her standing at the door. I walked closer to her but just vanished in to Dust.

"I love you my son." Audrey said.

I opened the door and Salen was at the main terminal.

"Salen!" I shouted.

He turned around with a smirk on his face.

"You again? Don't you understand that you won't win. You may have killed all my men but as long as I'm here. Those furry mutant monsters will be put down!"

Then he jumped down and activated his red Knight armor and walked to me. He was taller than me and he did beat me down before. But I won't give up for what he did.

"You think killing my mother is alright? Just because she's a furry wolf?!" I shouted.

"You are so retarded kid! you don't even see the truth of what they are! They are animals and they think they are stronger than we are! They are unpredictable, they're presence is an act against God, they take advantage on us!" Salen shouted

"They don't take advantage of us! They just wanted equality and freedom like us and wanted to be friends with us!" I shouted.

"Well losing my family didn't prove it! That damn Cop Wolf that arrested my father and he shot my mother while I just protect my father from getting arrested!"

"Your father was a drug dealer! There was prove that he was hiding crack in the basement! You obstructed Justice and your mother tried to pull you back! But instead you tried to go for his gun and he grabbed it and that what caused your mother to be shot!" I shouted.

"Don't you dare! He had fired the gun and he should be fired and arrested but instead he got away with it!!!! You want to know about something! When Me and my friends Bradley and Akeel broke into his house. I stabbed him in the throat and stabbed in the eyes and tasted his blood. It felt good of proving that a furry shouldn't take advantage of a human. Because a human can eat a carnivore. Yeah you what else I did?! After I killed the officer. Me and my friends tied up his wife and we raped her and then we stabbed that wolf slut to death. The best part is that we killed the officer's new born child and we skinned it's fur off, cut it up in to pieces, cooked it, and then we ate it. It tasted good!" Salen shouted.

I was shocked and disgusted of what he did, not just murder, but him and his friends being cannibals was too far.

"You fucking Monster!" I shouted.

"Well kid, Why don't you just grow up and get your act together?!" He shouted and attacked me with his laser sword.

I dodged his attack and pulled my sword out and attacked him.


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We clashed swords but he was stronger than me but it didn't stop me. I punched him in the face hard and threw him into the wall. He then came back at me and bashed me into a terminal. I flipped him over and gave him a uppercut. Then we kept swordfighing down the hall and then kept throwing punches at each other. We we came into the power engine room and the elecro magnet from the power core started to disrupt both of our knight armor that it vanished and so our swords. We kept fighting without our powers but he was stronger since he's an adult and I'm just a kid. He threw me through the window and I grabbed on to the ledge and pulled him down. We both fell into the core shaft. He punched me hard in the face that my glasses broke and I can't see well. I got up and kicked him in the face. He spit out a tooth and threw a punch. I dodged it and bash him into the control panel which caused the core to become unstable. We kept fighting but he had the upper hand and hits me in the face again. I fell down and coughed up some blood. He hit me again and again and I tried to fight back but I got weaker and weaker by every blow I took. Salen then bash his foot on my back to keep me from getting up.
"You should've not been with those monsters for too long. You are such a fucking pathetic little brat thinking that furries are nice loving creatures." Salen said.

"They.... Are." I said as I was in severe pain.

Salen then kicked hard me in the ribs that they fractured a little.

He laughed and kept kicking me.

I started to lose consousnes and about to accept my fate.

Salen finnaly stops and was about to finish me off until something grabbed his hand.

Salen turned around and noticed it was an angel but not just any angel.

"You! I thought I killed you!" Salen shouted


I barley opened one eye and see someone floating in the air and I noticed it was my mom Audrey.

Audrey then Threw Salen into the wall with her immortal strength and caused the electrometic core to explode.

After the explosion the shipyard went into an outage. My gamerknight powers came back and my power gave me immortal strength help me fight even with my severe injures. Salen got up and got his armor back and fought me.

Then Audrey went inside my heart and gave me more strength to fight him. He threw a punch and I dodged and I broke his arm easily.

"AHHHH! YOU FUCKING BRAT!!!" He shouted.

I tore his part of his red Knight armor off and I sliced his arms off with my sword.

I heard Salen scream in pain with swearing. I sliced both of his legs off and then I stabbed him reapeatedly in the chest with my sword. He coughed up blood and then I finished him off by slicing his head off.

He was finnaly gone. Audrey left my body and I collapsed into unconsciousness by my injuries.

Just then a portal opens and Loona came out, and her hazbin friends came out

"Cherri go find a way to blow this place up. And Vaggie help me carry Stan back to the hotel." Loona says.

"I can't wait to blow this place up!" Cherri said with excitement while she sets up explosives everywhere in speed.

Loona and Vaggie picked me up and took me into the hell demension.

Cherri pushed the button and jumps in the portal. The SDF shipyard explodes into pieces of scrap metal.

It was over. The SDF is finished and they won't hurt any humans and furries anymore.

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