Chapter 10: Wolf's revenge plan

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      Four days after the incident, Wolf and his friends went to their living hideout in the woods far from Corneria city. Wolf looked at the mirror as he was extremely pissed off and depressed when he lost his vision to his left eye. "That fucking human is going to get it now after what he did to my eye!" He punched the mirror and it severely cracked by the blow. Andrew was wearing a cast and a sling for his arm. Andrew said, "Wolf, I feel you since eyes don't heal like arms do." Wolf didn't say a word and put his eye patch on to hide his empty sewed eye socket.
         Leon came back with some groceries that he stole earlier today. "Guys I'm able to to get us some Soda and chips today since it was easy to take them without notice." Everyone grabbed a 20 ounce of coke and a huge bag of Funyuns each. While Wolf was eating. He had an idea for payback on Me. "Guys I think I know what we should do tomorrow. After Stan and Fox gets out of school we will ambush them at the park." Andrew and Leon thought about it but Andrew had to back out due to his injuries.
        Andrew said, "I would like to Wolf but my arm will give a disadvantage."
"That's fine Andrew, Leon and I can do it ourselves."
Wolf said.
       The next morning...
It was finally Friday of the week and Fox and I planned what we should do for fun on the weekend. We came to the school gate where Falco and Slippy were waiting for us.
"Hey guys, how's your morning? I asked.
"Not so bad, hey my mom is going to take us to the family game center today after school. Are you guys up for it?" Falco asked.
"Are you talking about the one that just opened up across town? Called Game central universe? I asked.
"Yes. They have bowling, rock climbing, all the best arcade games, billiards, laser tag, and miniature golf! Slippy shouted with excitement.
"I'm in! But can Loona come with us?" I asked.
"What?!" Fox shouted
"You going to invite that Wolf girl Stan? Falco asked.
"Yes, why not? I think it's fine that she can come and I bet you're thinking of Katt also." I said.
"I'm fine with that." Slippy said.
"Stan, come on! This is a masculine only time. why don't I have one day off without Loona?" Fox asked.
"That's not your decision Fox. Come on, give her a chance besides she knows how to have fun? I asked.
Fox rolled his eyes in annoyance and said, "Fine she can come along."
"Thank you" I said.
Wolf and his friends set up an ambush at the park until Andrew came back from spying on them and said, "Hey Wolf, I just heard that Stan and Fox are going to be at the new Game center across town after school. We should attack them there. Wolf and Leon changed the plan and the three walked to the game center.
Mrs. Lombardi dropped us off and gave Falco a lot of cash for us to do everything together. "Have fun kids and I'll be back At 9:30." We all walked inside and we were amazed that it looks cool and everything is cool to do.
"What should we do first?" Loona asked.
"How about bowling first?" I asked.
We gathered at the front counter and registered to get bowling shoes and an alley for us to play on. As we got our shoes on, Fox put our names down on the scoreboard and started the game. Loona grabs a bowling she likes and said, "I hope you boys are ready to lose." She rolled the ball down the alley and made an instant strike. Everyone dropped their jaws except me. Since I know she's good at bowling anyway. It was my turn, I went to the rack and grabbed a bowling ball and focused to aim at the pins. It was my first time to bowl to be honest and I got a gutter ball as I let go. Everyone laughed except Loona. She came to me and showed me how to bowl. I tried again on my second try and got 8 pins.
"Good job Stan. Just use that technique and you will do great." Loona says.
Everyone took a turn, Fox got a 5-5 spare, Falco had a strike, and Slippy had a 7-10 split.
As Loona took her second turn she instantly got another strike. I was impressed how good she was at bowling. As it was my turn, Loona gave me some tips on how to roll it. She moves my arm to help me learn how to move my arm while I roll the ball. I aim and carefully roll the ball and unexpectedly had a strike.
Loona clapped for me.
Fox shouted, "Oh that's cheating!"
Then, he took his turn and accidentally tripped on the shoelace while was about to roll. The bowling ball went into the gutter.
"Karma got you there." Falco said.
"Shut up." Fox says.
He got up and tried his second roll and only got 6 pins.
After a while Loona won 1st place since she made a perfect game while I made second while Slippy and falco tied and Fox in last.
Wolf and Leon went inside and started looking for me and my friends.
"There they are, we just have to wait while Stan separates from the others." Leon suggested.
"That will not be easy since that Wolf girl and him are kinda close in my opinion." Wolf said.
We played arcade games and win tickets. Loona and I played Galaga together. She noticed that I was really fast on the buttons. Then, she teases me to distracts me from Winning by rubbing her tail in my face. "Stop will you?" I asked.  She smiled and keeps doing it, she rubbed her tail in my face which distracted me a lot. But I was able to win anyway. After turning our tickets into our game cards, Loona need to go to the bathroom for a minute. As I wait, for her. I noticed something was wrong. Wolf jumped out from the corner. "Hey human asswipe!" I was about to run but Leon grabbed me from behind and drags me outside. "We have some unfinished business!!!" Wolf shouted.
Leon threw me onto the ground. I got up and fought back. Wolf then punches me hard in the gut and gives an uppercut. My glasses fell onto the grass. I grabbed them and threw them into a bush safely. Then, Wolf grabs hold of me and smacks me back and forth. "You will regret what you did to my eye!" I hit him back into the nose and I knocked him down. Leon hits me in the face and grabs hold of me. I struggle but Leon has a strong grip.
Wolf then wipes his blood off his nose and punches me hard in the gut
        I cough badly because of the blow. "It hurts doesn't?!" Now you know real pain!!" Wolf shouted. He hits me in the stomach again. I was losing consciousness and I slowly heard nothing.
Wolf then lifted my chin up and said, "Now you listen here no-fur. You are nothing but a wimp and you will understand that you will not mess with me. If you want a life here. You better don't cross me again."
Leon let go of me and I collapsed into the grass. Wolf and Leon leave. I reached for my glasses from the bush and put them on. Then, Loona found me lying on the ground. She ran to me and tried to help me up.
"Stan!! What happened?! Are you okay?!
"Yes.... I'm fine." I said
Then, Fox and everyone else came and helped me.
I was able to recover from the blows I have. As for Wolf. He is considered as my arch rival.

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