Chapter 4: Bullies

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Two weeks later, I slowly progressed on being friends with the anthros in my classroom. It was hard at first but Ms. Lizz was there for me. I made a few new friends and even some wanted me to sit with them at their desk. My fear is starting to go away permanently since I'm starting to have friends.
Every day, I hang with my friend Kyle at lunch and then recess. Sometimes Kyle comes over to my house and we play video games together. Later on, I started to learn some interesting stuff in class and Ms. Lizz read us an interesting story called the Gamerknight. The Gamerknight is a legendary hero that wanted to bring peace and love to all life. Even the      

      Gamerknight has a legendary sword that can slice an enemy like butter. And the armor is made out of solid gold which I bet it's really heavy to wear in my opinion. After the weekend was over, Audrey dropped me off in the classroom. She gave me hugs and kisses before she left. I sat with my new friends fearlessly at their desk. "Good morning Stan" says the Fox anthro. "Good morning" I replied.
Ms. Lizz passes out an activity for us to do. She gave a paper of simple addition and subtraction problems. "Ok class, our new lesson today is addition and subtraction problems. Don't worry, they are very easy."

She went to the chalkboard and showed us the first question.
"Addition means putting them together. 3 plus 7 and you put them together which make 10."
I wrote it down on the paper and then Ms.Lizz showed us the second question on the chalkboard.
"As for subtraction, it means taking away. 12 minus 5 means that we take five out of twelve. Which makes 7!"
I started to understand and I tried the questions on my own.
It was pretty easy in my opinion that I went through every question fast but I made sure I got them right first before moving on. Ms. Lizz collected our papers and went to her desk to relax. "Ok class you have 1 hour of freetime. Play nice."
During freetime, I get on the computer and play a cool drawing program called kid pix. What's so funny about it is that I draw something and make cool drawing effects on it. I wasn't so great at drawing perfectly but I think about being an artist of sketching some day when I get older. I use the mouse to draw on the computer. After 20 minutes, I printed it out and put it in my backpack. After freetime was over, we went to lunch.
Kyle and I sat together and talked about a lot of stuff like jokes and gaming while we ate. Just then a couple of Foxes that look older came and slammed their hands on the table. I jumped and turned and I remembered. They were the twin Foxes that were teasing me at the park and I noticed one of them was wearing a bandage since I remembered I bit him to break free from his grip. They go by the Kip twins. Their names are Croy Kip and the one with the bandage is Troy Kip. They are fifth graders and real nasty bullies especially to humans. I was about to leave but Troy grabbed me and made me sit back down. They sense my fear. Troy asked, " how are you doing? I bet you want to hang with us."
Then Croy scared Kyle away. I was trying to get away, but Troy grabbed hold of me. "Where are you going?" Croy laughed and ate my lunch on my tray. "good thing this food is not going to waste." Troy pushed me to the floor and they walked away.

     During recess, I played at the sandbox for a bit. Then I saw the kip twins looking for me. I ran to the jungle gym to blend in. Croy picked up the scent of my fear and started looking for me. Croy chased after me and I was running as fast as I could. What I didn't know is that Troy was waiting for me for his ambush. I shook off Croy then Troy grabbed hold of me from behind. I struggled and head-butted him onto his muzzle. I broke free and I grabbed onto him. I punched him in the face multiple times and started pulling his ears very hard. Troy screams in pain and falls down face first on the ground. Then, every anthro and human cheered for me as I mercilessly beat the crap out of Troy. Then Croy pulled me off his brother and threw me on the ground. Troy started crying because of his injuries. Croy grabbed me by the arm but then I grabbed a rock and hit him in the face. Croy fell down unconscious onto the dirt. My anger took over and I kept hitting Croy non stop until a Wolf Teacher grabbed hold of me to make me calm down. "Hey stop right now!!!" I stopped struggling.

      I was sent to the principal's office and everyone was shocked that a kindergartner like me beat two fifth graders easily. I only got punished by staying in a discipline classroom for only three day since they knew I was being bullied but they told me I should've told my teacher about it. As for Troy and Croy, they were expelled since it wasn't the first time they bullied others.

     Audrey picked me up from school. She wasn't angry at me or anything since she knows that I was defending myself but she told me that violence never solves anything.

     After my punishment was paid off, my classmates gave me a cheering welcome back unexpectedly since they were happy that I caused the Kip twins to be expelled. They called me a hero and a great human friend which touched me. I didn't know what to say to them but I know I will never be alone, but is being called a hero a sign?

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