Epilogue: Human and Anthro can be together (little sex content🍋🍋)

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I woke up in the grass and saw nothing but a tree in front of me of the plains. I saw my mother Audrey waiting for me at the tree that I ran into her arms. I hugged her tightly and tried not to cry.

"Oh Stan, Im so sorry this happened to you." Audrey said.

"No no it's not your fault mom, it's mine, I should've tried to save you." I said.

"Don't say that my child, you didn't do anything wrong." Audrey said.

Audrey looks at my face and wipes my tears away and said, "Oh you grown up so fast Stan, and I enjoyed of you being a great child of being a hero for others."

I was silent but I smiled of what she said.

She then hugged me one more time and said, "I love you Stan, And Ill watch and protect you from above."

Then I hugged back and she vanished into dust and the plains vanished into nothingness.

Then I woke in a hospital bed. I was in bandages and my right arm was in a cast. I noticed I still can't see well without my glasses until I saw Krystal walking up to me and put new glasses on my face.

"Krystal I....

Then I got cut off when she hugged me climbed on my bed. Then I noticed something was wrong with her then I noticed she was in heat.

She then locked the door and came back and opened my jeans. I didn't say anything because I do want to have a child with her.

She then took her skirt off and her red panties off and inserted me into her. I grunted and grabbed onto the frame of the bed and I felt the great warmth inside her that I decided to keep going and thrust.

After a few minutes I exploded my white offspring into her and I felt her wetness dripping down. We both collapsed and kissed for a good hour until the nurse started knocking.

5 months later...

I married Krystal after she started to be 5 months pregnant and we live peacefully in my mom's house

Everyone called me a hero, the gamerknight hero. Every furry wanted to be friends with me since I saved their lives and whats crazy all the furry women wanted me but I only loved Krystal.

As for the resistance, Brock married Emma and had two kids. And Elizabeth became a great mechanic at automobiles. And Gwen got qualified to be a sergeon. We sometimes visit Tim's grave to honor him.

And as for my brother Fox, he married Fara. Falco married Katt. Peppy retired at a retirement home and Slippy is just doing well.

As for me, I started to recover from my PTSD. And I still think about my mother Audrey. But she is in a better place. And I decided to be a hero for Zon as the gamerknight and protect the city from criminals.

I was happy that the coexistance is 100% peaceful on Earth, Zon, and Corneria. Humans and furries can be together since we are all life no matter what we look like.

Human and furry.

Skin or fur. Humans and furries are like brothers and sisters. That we can do life and be together. They can be friends or lovers. Furry and human are a great connection of life of coexistance. They can love, be friends, be family no matter what they look like.

                                                                   -Stanton keene

To be continued on book 2.....

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