Chapter 21: Sauria part 3

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The next morning, I got up to get some fresh water from the lake. I told a sip from my metal cup and try to control my mental condition. Tricky noticed I jolted a little a few times and get easily frustrated since I didn't take my medication since I'm all out of my prescription.
The next spellstone was at Walled city in space. The queen EarthWalker said there was a hidden power behind her in the temple. It was some power for my staff to open weird doors and it opens a forcefield to Walled city. I headed to my arwing to get ready to head there but my PTSD was at a low level. As I made it the destination and landed the arwing. It was a beautiful place. Ruins and a Pyramid in the middle with sun and moon symbols. There was a few T Rex size dinosaurs looking at me and Tricky. We ran to safety from it and look around to see what to do first. I stepped on a pressure plate and something went up where Tricky can flame in. I ran to climb in the pyramid and followed the path. He breathed fire into the mechanism and something glowed. Then, we did the same process on the second one. Then, an underground passage opened and we headed there.

"Dad! Dad! You're okay!" Tricky shouted with happiness.

"Tricky my son! You don't have to worry about me! I'm the King EarthWalker after all hahahahaha."

Then he looked at me and said, "You must be on of the hero's of StarFox and it rare to see a human being."

"Yeah that's right." I said.

After a good chat the king EarthWalker said I have to find two sacred teeth to enter the Redeye underground lair where the spellstone is. I looked around the land and there was a sun symbol structure on top of the hill. I followed the path and see a gold sacred tooth easily.  There was one of them we found already. We went to find the other on but it was locked inside a moon structure. I looked around to find a clue then I stepped on another pressure plate. There was sparkels circling around where the river is. I jumped into the river and went to it. It vanished and went further down the river. It might've been concidered a time trial. I swim to the sparkels and went further down till it was a full lap that the structure opened up. I climbed out of the river and went and collected the second sacred tooth.
   It was time, we headed back to the underground passage. As I placed the two teeth in place a doorway opens. I told Tricky that I'm going it alone. As I went down. The doorway closed behind me which I can't turn back.

"Oh no." I said.

Just then I heard a another door opening and a giant T Rex walks out and make a loud roar and it picked up my human scent and went after me. I started running for my life and there was no way out and don't know how to defeat it. As it was coming in front of me, I stepped on a button and some trap electricuted the T-rex. It was done then I saw a way to defeat when I saw a fuel container hidden in an area. I picked it up and threw at the head. It exploded and it got more angry. I started running but my PTSD started acting up again. I started trying to control it. My vision started turning gray which was unsual and see a city on fire and ravens flying around me. I shook my head and try to get my act together. I waited and stepped on a button which gets the electric trap to power up. The T Rex ran and collapses after it got electricuted once more. I went and grabbed another Fuel container and threw it at its head. It got hurt but it's still got up and attack. Just then my allusions are getting worse and see more of My hometown of Zon on fire and innocent anthro and human being killed. And the T-rex was chasing me with anger. My PTSD was at moderate levels and losing my way to contain it from getting worse. I still try to control myself and set up the electricusuon trap once more. It powered up and took the T-rex down. I grab one fuel cansiter and threw it. The T-rex screams and dies. My PTSD illusion started to simmer down and I can see normally but my PTSD was still in high levels. I took the spellstone of ita head and ran to the exit. Tricky and I headed back to Thorntail hollow but Tricky was concerned about me since im not happy and intense.

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