Chapter 16: My birthday

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         After the laylat war, we've been bored of not doing much except making trade deliveries for General Pepper since there is no one to fight or battle. I'm getting excited for tomorrow since I'm turning 19, my birthday. Fox decided to make a surprise party for me and tries to keep it a secret.
        Fox left and went to get party supplies while Falco keeps an eye on me. I called Loona today but this time the number was no longer in service which made my heart sunk with worry. I was very concerned that something might've happen. I tried not to think anything that something bad happen to her.

During the evening...

I decided to go see Loona at Corneria. I got in the arwing and flew to Corneria. As I get in the atmosphere, I opened the wings and softly land into the neighborhood. I went to her house and knock on the door. There was no answer.

"Loona?!" I asked.

"Loona it's me Stan!" I shouted

Then, I noticed the door opened and decided to come in and it was dark and smelly for some reason.
"Loona?" I called as I looked in the house. I went to her room and notice newspapers on the wall of Starfox saving the laylat system. I noticed she missed me for a while, then I went to her father's room and noticed the smell was coming from her dad's rotting body on his bed. I gaged and ran out of the house and try to look for Loona. I shouted her name as I walk around the neighborhood. As I head to the highway. I saw Loona at the balcony and saw her jump on top of the railing. I saw her and noticed that she is going to jump. I started running as fast as I can to save her from making a big mistake. I kept running without stopping and shouted, "LOONA DON'T! DONT JUMP!!" I shouted. She didn't hear me, and jumps. I slide my arm through the railing and grabbed her hand. Loona was confused and saw me but unfortunately her hand slipped out of my grip and splats at the bottom of the Pavement.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! LOONA!!!" I screamed. Climbed down and ran to her. Her blood was dripping out fast and her bones broke out of her left arm and legs. She looked at me, and dropped tears. She grabbed my hand and tries to say something. Then, she stopped breathing and closed her eyes before passing.

"Loona? Loona?! LOONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted while I was crying and screaming and hugged her lifeless body.

"Loona.... noooooooo..... noo..."

The police arrived and asked me questions while the paramedics put her body in a bag. I told them what happened and they believed me since they see how much I cared for her. Loona was gone and my heart couldn't take the pounding pain of her death. My PTSD started to get worse but I bottled it in and went back to the Great Fox. As for Loona, her image changed wolf to a hellhound as she woken up in the hell demension. She got up and looked around and noticed an imp named Blitzo saw her.

       I parked my Arwing and ran to the hanger without a word. Fox noticed something was wrong, since he saw me ran while he was playing poker with the team. Fox went and knocked. "Stan are you okay?"

"Go away." I said.

"Stan come on please let me come in. I'm your brother."

I was silent for a minute but Fox came in anyway and saw me crying on my bed. Fox sat next to me and ask, "Bro what happened?"

"I went to see Loona but she killed herself." I said while I was crying.

"What?!" Fox shouted.

     "I'm so sorry brother. That's horrible." Fox said while he puts his arm around me.

       During the night, everyone was asleep except me. I can't forgive myself for not saving her in time. The moment kept repeating itself in my head. The look she gave when my grip slipped from her hand. I felt horrible for not saving her in time and didn't call her early in time before Fox confiscated my phone while we were in enemy territory. I costed her life and my heart was permanently scared and it will never heal. The necklace around my neck that she gave reminds me that she is here in my heart. I finnaly fell asleep but the nightmare I had causes me to have a PTSD attack in my sleep. I got out of bed by my PTSD. Half of my mind was still asleep which I can't control myself or my body at all.


      Fox got up to get a midnight snack and saw me in the training room stabbing a fake person target. In my mind, I was stabbing an SDF soldier but I was actually stabbing a stuffed person target. Fox walked up slowly. I turned around and I saw Fox as a human SDF soldier. Fox was really concerned that he had a sadation needle hidden just in case for my PTSD attacks. I went at him with the knife since I thought he was an SDF soldier and only my PTSD side was awake. Fox grabbed me and pulled the knife out of my hand. I was angry and struggling and Fox tries to grab hold of me.

     "Little bro wake up! Stan it's me Fox!" He shouted. Fox noticed something is different and injects me with some sadation to help me sleep.


The next morning.

     I woke up and noticed my body was a little sore. I saw Fox sleeping on a chair across my room.


    He woke up and said, "Stan? Are you there?"

"Yeah I'm right here. What are you doing in my room?" I asked.

"Just making sure you're all right after losing who you loved. And besides I just want to... um say happy birthday to my little brother that is finnaly 19 years old!" Fox said.

Fox took me to the louge room where everyone else is. Falco was setting up the decorations while Slippy and Peppy sets up the party. I sat down and Fox gave puts on a party hat on my head. I tried to smile and have fun since my heart is still greving on Loona but Fox tries to do his best on making me have fun and smile. Fara and Katt came over to party with us and celebrate as well. They sat next to me and made me have fun by making me drink soda through a funnel. Falco started playing music on the radio, and Fox started busting some moves.

A few hours later...

Fox brought the cake out and lit the candles.

"Happy birthday Stan!" Falco said.

Everyone starting singing Happy birthday to me and I blew the candles. The cake was fully chocolate and it bursts with flavor with one bite. Falco mostly enjoyed the ice cream and had a severe brain freeze. I started to really to have fun with my friends and family.


After the party, I went to my room to set up my Nintendo switch that Fox gave me. Then, when I wasn't looking a small portal open, and a present came out before the portal closes. I turned around and saw the present in red wrapping paper. I looked at the tag and it said it was from Loona. I was confused or maybe my PTSD is going off again but I knew I took my medication. I opened it and it was a picture frame of me and Loona when we where young. I dropped a few years but smiled. I put it on my dresser as a reminder Loona is always around in my heart. I had to move on since she is in the afterlife. But she is always in my heart.

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