Extra Chapter: Nika and Dasha. (Sexual content🍋🍋)

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Authors note: so yeah decided to add an extra chapter of this book since I wanted it to improve this story more and starting to like Nika sharkens and Dasha Stormbear. So decided to add them in this story as a extra chapter. This chapter takes place after Loona killed herself and before I meant and married Krystal. It's where Fox wants me to move on and date someone else but I wasn't ready yet. Warning this chapter is a lemon so you are warned and enjoy!! 🙂

NSFW. ❤️❤️❤️🔞🔞⚠️⚠️

      I was in Corneria city and sitting in my favorite bar drinking my favorite whisky called Cat Love XXX. I was severely depressed and can't get over Loona after her death since I blamed myself and should've found a way to prevented it. I should've called her earlier and told her I was okay but was unable to since we entered enemy territory in space and my phone could ping our location to the enemy.

    Just then Fox came in and he found me at my favorite seat at the bar and walked up to me.

"There you are. Drinking again. Little bro this is starting to get out of control. You need to get over Loona and move on." Fox said

"Shut up Fox. Be grateful that Fara didn't kill herself. And you still have someone you loved." I said with anger.

"Stan! Chill the fuck out. Look, that was Loona's fault, she made that decision and it was done. Stop blaming yourself and drinking this shit! It's not going to help you bring her back!"

     "Shut the fuck up!! It's your fault that I was drafted into the team and Loona was unqualified to join. I didn't want to fight or kill others in the first place. I ALL I WANTED WAS TO SETTLE DOWN IN A PEACEFUL HOME WITH LOONA BUT NOOOOOOOOOO! I HAVE TO FIGHT A WAR THAT I DIDN'T WANT TO BE PART OF! IF YOU LET ME CALL LOONA, SHE WOULD'VE BEEN ALIVE TODAY!!" I shouted.


     I slammed him on the wall and wanted to punch him in the face but I hesitated and Fox just stared at me with fear. I don't even wanted to hit my own brother that I grew up with and he never left my side. I let go and shouted, "Get the fuck out of here and leave me alone!"

    Fox didn't say a word and left with some tears in his eyes since he did regret saying that to me. Everyone was quiet and it was akward that I sat back down and asked for a whole forty ounce of Cat love XXX whiskey. The Wolf bartender hesitated with concern but gave it to me anyway. I chugged the whole thing down and layed my head down.

After a few minutes, A female shark and a female bear walked in to have a good time.

     After a few minutes, A female shark and a female bear walked in to have a good time

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