Chapter 23: The SDF returns

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Four months have passed and My life started to sprout. I got an office job that sells heavy metal instruments and products like electric guitars and speakers. The owner found me having interest of finding a job. Her name was Retsuko, she was a red panda and kinda short. So she gave a job of filing financial transactions and reports. It was an easy job and been part of it three months now and made some new friends there.

Retsuko—————-      Today, I finally filed the last transaction and clocked out and took the subway home

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      Today, I finally filed the last transaction and clocked out and took the subway home. Krystal was waiting for me since she always happy to see me come home from work. She had made dinner already and waits for me. The door opens and I came inside and took off my jacket and saw Krystal running to me with a hug and a kiss.
She made spaghetti and meatballs with good marinara and a huge bowl of spinach salad since she is mostly a vegan since she mostly eats veggies most of her life.

"Welcome home Stan. I missed you a lot since you have to work." She said.

"Well I'm here now, someone has to pay the bills since we no longer part of StarFox. I said as I said down with her across the dinner table. The funny thing is when we started eating is that Krystal always serves my plate since she wants me to make sure I eat her salad or anything green first since she has a heart of careness to my health and how I eat. Well I don't complain since her salad is Pretty good anyway. Then, I start on the main course with great hot spaghetti with good Marinara sauce with juicy meatballs all together. Krystal started to like modern food since she likes trying new things.

"So how is work today Stan?" She asked.

"Not so bad, I made some new friends today, they were nice, most of them were Anthro."

"That's good. You know I'm concerned about your mental condition. You didn't show up for the doctors appointment yesterday. She said

"I don't need, doctors or medication. I trying to cure my PTSD by myself so I can be cured from it."

Krystal sighed and said, "Stan please. I want the same thing as you do. My telepathic powers can sense it getting worse since you have depression over what happened with your mother since we moved here.

I remained silent since I can't deny it since she can read my mind.

"So tommorow Stan, Dr. Lindsey is expecting you to come tomorrow at 9:30am. If you won't, I'll make you go because I care about you. Do you understand Stan?"

I had no choice but to say yes since she is not kidding.

The next morning, I sat at the waiting room with other Anthros and humans that have mental conditions as I do. Some of them used to be part of the Zon military.

"Stanton Keene" the wolf anthro nurse called.

I followed her and done some examination of my height and body condition. She noticed a few scars on my back that are still healing. She was concerned but see took me to a room.

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