Chapter 28: The Settlement Defense Front Orbital Shipyard

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The space elevator started to go up and we got ready for the final battle to take down the SDF and personally tying the loose end of what happened 14 years ago.
    The elevator stops and We entered through the airlock. We had the element of surprise, we walked down a hallway and noticed that we are in the maintenance bay since we heard machinery sounds in the next room. There were a couple of SDF repairing a transfer pod. Krystal used her telepathic to see anymore in the room but there was only a few.
   She gave them a signal and Brock shot them down with his side arm. We proceed down further and went to a large room and see a large group of SDF talking and walking around. We hid away from the view and planned our attack. Elizabeth showed us hologram map and we decided to head to the security room since we need to know where Salen is.
      Unfortunately it's not safe for us to attack head on yet since we don't know the whole map yet. The security room is just across the large room full of SDF and there was no where around it.

"Screw it, we have to attack head on." I said.

"I guess we have no choice." Gwen said. As she pulled out her rifle.

Krystal threw her flash grenade in the room.


We all ran in fired as a team.

A few soldiers fired back.

Krystal and I jumped for some cover kept firing. Brock pulled a knife out and stabbed a soldier reapeatedly in cold blood since we lost Tim.

We proceeded to the security room and I bashed a soldier with my rifle and blew his head off.

Emma got on the terminal and looked through the camera monitors for Salen's location. Then we saw him at the Command center which is pretty far from where we are but then I saw human children mostly males locked up in cells.

"Hey guys look! There's children!" I shouted.

Emma changed the cameras and saw an SDF soldier beating down a male child and made him fire a weapon and there was more children being tortured and disciplined by the soldiers to break them down.

Krystal felt emotional and severey angry of seeing innocent human children being beaten, abused just make them evil killers in the future.

"That's not fucking right!" Emma shouted.

"Should we save them?" Brock asked.

"Hell yeah we should!" Gwen shouted.

Just then on one of the monitors, They seen an shark anthro tied up and on her knees and an SDF soldier is making a human male child to shoot the anthro.

Emma played the audio on it.

"Kill this Monster!" The SDF soldier shouted.

The child kept the pistol pointed down and hesitated,

"I can't.... She didn't do anything wrong." The human child

The SDF soldier punched the child hard in the face and made him stand back up.

"Kill this Mutant fur or you won't eat tonight!!" The soldier shouted.

The human child started to drop tears and pointed at the gun at Shark Anthro's forehead.

He hesitated and his hand shakes while handing the gun.

"It's alright, you are only 7, just go ahead and do it." The shark Anthro said.

The child still hesitated and then...

He pointed at the SDF soldier instead and was about to pulled the trigger.

The soldier slaps the gun out of his hand and punched him even harder in the face.

The child fell down on his side and the SDF soldier kept kicking him hard in the gut reapeatedly.

The Shark Anthro cried by seeing the child being beaten down.


The soldiers escorted the human children back into the cells and noticed the same soldier killed the anthro shark himself.

The SDF soldier's name was Radoslav Barkov, Captain rank and the most nasty soldier.

He dragged the Shark anthro's body and threw it in the trash chute then grabbed the down child by the hair and threw him in the cell with the others.

Back in the security room...

"I'm going to kill him and slowly!" Elizabeth shouted

"Don't worry, were here to wipe them out and those children are coming with us." I said.

"How Stan? How are we going to get those Children out of here?" Gwen asked.

"We are going to take one of their ships, that one over there since this one has hyperspace abilities."

I pointed out the window and the ship was right there clamped to the other side of the shipyard.

"So Emma can stay here and keep watch on the cameras while we fight our way to the brig to save all the children and escort them to the ship and you guys go while I kill Salen myself and blow this place up." I said.

"But Stan we can't leave you here." Krystal said

"How will you get home?" Brock asked

"I'll find a way. After I kill Salen."

"You are not doing this alone, he's stronger than you and he almost killed you!" Krystal shouted.

"I have to do it alone." I said.

"NO STAN! He will kill you! And I forbid it!" Krystal Shouted.

"Its personal!" I shouted.


"No it's not just that!" I shouted

"THEN WHAT IS IT THEN?!" Krystal Shouted with tears in her eyes.

"I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!!!" I shouted

Then everyone went silent after I said that.

"I don't... Want to lose you." I said softly.

Krystal was surprised when I said that to her

She hugged me tightly and I hugged back.

"I promise, I'll make it out alive ok?" I said

"Okay, just please don't get yourself killed." Krystal said.

"I promise." I said.


Emma stayed in the security room to keep watch on the cameras while we went further down into the shipyard. We started firing at the enemy, killing them one by one and make sure none of them are alive. We made to the brig and opened every cell door to free the children from the cells and noticed Radoslav holding a child at gunpoint.

"Drop your weapons! Or he dies!!" He shouted.

But luckily Elizabeth was hiding behind him and attacked him. She slammed him on the floor and brutally stabbed him reapeatedly and then his throat.

I never had seen anything like that in her before. Elizabeth then picked up the human child and hugged him.

We all fought our way to the ship and escorted the children inside. The resistance aboarded and told me good luck before aboarding. Krystal hesitated to get on since she is worried. I kissed her once more on lip and she walked in the ship and said, "please make it back." I door closed and the ship got unclamped and hyperspace from Mars.

It's time! Time to avenge my mother Audrey!!!

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