Chapter 5:The SDF attack

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It was finally summer break. School is finally over for the year. Now I wonder what I should do for the next three months. I got up from bed and noticed my mom was sleeping in. I can't blame her since we had a blast playing at the beach yesterday.
I poured some cereal and some milk and had breakfast for the morning. As I eat some cereal, I watch some morning cartoons. Laughed a little and heard Audrey coming to the dining room. "Morning Mom!" She yawned and said, "morning sweetie." She looks in the fridge and grabs some eggs to make an omelette for herself. "What do you want to do today?" I asked.
She laughed and said, "well let me at least shower and get dressed and brush my hair and we can go to the park today." "Ok mom" I finished my cereal and played in my room while Audrey freshens herself up for the day.
The sun was shining and I was playing at the playground while Audrey relaxed at the bench. After a few hours I noticed her sleeping which was a first.
"Hey mom." She woke up fast. "Huh what?! Oh.... hey." "Mom, you slept for 3 hours." Audrey noticed and stood up. She yawned and said, "sorry I didn't sleep enough." I noticed she was tired and exhausted so I asked. "You want to go home and nap mom? I'm okay staying home for the day." "Sure, let's just relax at home." They went home and Audrey collapses into her bed and sleeps. I played ball in the backyard for a while. Then, when I was kicking the ball something triggered in my mind. I heard myself crying and kinda said my biological father's face. I tripped and fell on the grass. "I got back up and tried to shake it off. "What was that...?" I went back inside and saw Mom still sleeping. I have been wanting to tell her what I have been seeing in those flashbacks of my biological parents in the last couple of weeks. I went in Audrey's arms and took a nap with her. She noticed and hugged me tighter.
Meanwhile at the atmosphere of Zon, Admiral Salen sets course to invade. He looked at the window and said, "Invade!"

 He looked at the window and said, "Invade!"-----------

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( I don't own this image. Credit to Activision)
Salen Kotch
During the afternoon, we went to the shopping street since Audrey had an interest in gardening.
Just then there were some explosions coming from the city district and there were ships and carriers coming in and starting firing. Everyone screamed in panic. I was scared and afraid. Audrey picked me up and started running with her wolf speed. Then the SDF soldiers land and shoot down every Anthro they see. The Zon soldiers came and attacked back. Audrey ran into a dark alley with me in her arms.
There were guns firing and explosions everywhere she heard. I was scared and in deep fear. Audrey kept running until an SDF soldier ambushed her. I fell on the ground and Audrey tried to fight for her life. I grabbed a worn out screwdriver from the trash and stabbed the soldier in the leg with it. "Ahh!!! You little shit!!!!" He kicked me so hard that I fell. Audrey grabbed his pistol and shot him clean in the head. The soldier fell down to his death.
Audrey came to me and hugged me tightly. "Are you okay?!" She cried in fear. "Yes I'm okay mom..." They stayed together and try to make it back to the house. We made it back to the house and went inside. Audrey started packing some things and told me to pack as much clothes as I can with stuff I need. We left the house and tried to make a run for it. Then more SDF soldiers surrounded us. "Looks like there is nowhere to run." They tried to pull me away from Audrey but I resisted. "Let go!!! that mutant Wolf is not your mother!!!" The soldier pulled me off Audrey and grabbed hold of me. "LET ME GO!!!" I struggle and try to break free. Then, Salen came and instantly shot Audrey in the head with an evil smirk on his face. I screamed in rage and shed tears. "NO!!! MOM!!! NO!!! Salen then said, "shut up brat, we saved you from this monster!

Looks like you need reeducation!!!" They grabbed and dragged me to a ship. After a split second. I grabbed the soldier's pistol and shot him in the torso. "AHH!!!" I broke free and had a lucky shot shooting him in the head.
I ran off and I heard Salen shouting. "Kill that traitor brat!!!" I ran to cover and I'm not a very good shot. The gun was heavy and dense and I didn't know how to aim well. I saw a soldier running at me and I pulled the trigger with fear. The soldier fell and died since I unexpectedly shot him in the heart. Then I noticed the SDF was starting to retreat since the Zon soldiers had the upper hand since the UNSA came and helped push the SDF away. I went back to Audrey's body. I fell onto my knees and cried very loudly. I hugged her and didn't want to let her go. I couldn't stop crying since I lost someone that took care of me as her own.
2 hours later... I hugged my body and tried to stop crying. Then, the paramedics and the military soldiers start collecting lifeless anthro and innocent human bodies and putting them in body bags. I was devastated and didn't want to move or let go of Audrey. An anthro Zon soldier noticed me crying softly while hugging on to my mother. He came to me and tried to comfort me. Afterwards, I saw my mother being in a body bag and being transported away to the morgue. I was taken to the military base to recover after the attack.
Then, I heard a conversation that someone wanted to be my guardian and I even heard that I'm going to Corneria to live there as my new home.

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