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Lalia had raced to the library. She paused once she had reached its large doors. Gasping in breath, so many thoughts raced through Lalia's mind that she couldn't focus on one to quell before another appeared. She clearef her thoughts before looking up at the door.

The library had grand wooden doors with gilded detailing. They were quite beautiful. Lalia knee that she couldn't stay examining the doors all night and took one deep breath, before stepping towards the library.

Once inside she quickly smiled at Madam Pince and looked around for anyone who could possibly be her cousin.

It didn't take her long to find her. Most of the students were in the Great Hall for dinner. There were some Ravenclaws and Slytherins scattered about.

Lalia's eyes were on the solitary Hufflepuff with hair that looked quite similar to her own.

"Mahealani?" she asked, approaching the table.

The girl looked up calmly, but her face hardened slightly when she noticed who was in front of her.

"Oh, great, you finally found me. Well let's make this quick. I have my Charms O.W.L. tomorrow morning."

The girl closed her book and sat up, looking at Lalia, who had frozen.

"Well?" With a nod from her cousin, Lalia quickly sat across from her.

Lalia found herself staring into eyes that were so similar to her own, but strangely different. She had noticed this difference before in the Black brothers. Her father and her both shared warm gray eyes. Hers being slightly warmer than his, both with a yellow undertone. His brother's grey eyes were darker, cooler, leaning towards blue. Lalia saw Regulus's eyes when she looked at her cousin.

"Hello? Didn't you want to talk to me?" Mahealani asked, breaking through to Lalia.

"Oh, right, right," Lalia fumbled with her hands and ends of her jumper sleeves as she attempted to figure out what she was going to say. "You're Regulus's daughter?"

"I am. And you're Sirius's."

"So you know who I am?" She received a nod. "Then why haven't we ever talked?"

Mahealani gaped at her.

"Your dad is in- was in Azkaban. Now he's a murderer on the loose."

"Well, your dad once was a Death Eater," Lalia whispered, hotly at the girl. "Doesn't mean anything."

The girls narrowed their eyes at one each other before Mahealani shrugged her shoulders, giving in.

"Look there's a lot to talk about," Lalia said. "Like a massive ton. But did you ever meet your dad?" 

Mahealani took a deep breath. "Not that I remember. He died from diverting a month after I was born according to mum."

Lalia looked at her cousin closely, noticing the rise in her voice at the word died. 

"You and ... your mum, you're sure he's dead?" 

"Yes, positive."

"You're a rubbish liar," said Lalia with a tone of coldness to her voice. "Doesn't matter anyway, I already knew he was alive, but now I know that you do too." 

Mahealani gaped at the girl. She quickly looked around the library before leaning in towards Lalia. 

"How would you know he's alive? That's impossible." 

"Long story short, I have a whole list of problems other than this, but I see his ghost. Or more correctly, what I thought was his ghost until I learned differently."

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