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Lalia walked through the empty halls of Hogwarts. It was late and no one was awake. She felt nauseous and began walking towards the hospital wing.

Behind her Lalia heard footsteps. She froze and looked back to see if anyone was there.

"Hello? Filch, I'm sorry I'm out. I wasn't feeling well and was going to see Madam Pomfrey."

Lalia stood in place to see if anyone replied to her, but when no one spoke up, she turned and began walking again.

Once again the footsteps sounded behind her. Lalia stopped and turned completely around.

"I know you're there! Just come out already." She was gripping her wand tightly in her hand, when a voice began speaking.

"Ah, but I am not ready to be seen."

"Who are you?"

"The more interesting question is who exactly you might be, Miss Black. I have heard of your prophecy."

"Prophecy... are you... no... no, not possible. I'm sleeping. Wake up, Lalia, wake up."

"While you are sleeping, you will not be waking up until I say so."

Lalia began running through the halls of Hogwarts searching for anyone else.

"I must commend you, your Occlumency is quite good for someone so young," the voice chuckled darkly.

"Occlumency? You're holding me hostage in a dream to access my mind?" Lalia asked. Her heart was racing as she tried to think of a way out of her own mind.

"Quite a smart little Ravenclaw you are."

"What do you need access to my mind for? What could I possibly do for you?" Lalia looked around the empty hospital wing.

"What could a seer close to Potter do for me?" The voice cackled. "The better question is what can't you do."

Feeling increasingly panicked and knowing she wasn't practicing Occlumency, Lalia made a rash decision.

She raced onto the Hogwart's grounds, ignoring the laughing voice following her. Without a pause, she broke into a run and dived into the cold Black Lake.

Pushing out of the water to take a breath, Lalia opened her eyes to find herself sitting up in her bed, covered in sweat.

Throwing her blankets off she ran to the bathroom and emptied the contents of her stomach. Once her stomach had settled, Lalia brushed her teeth and threw water on her face.

Back in her room, she grabbed paper and quill and began quickly scrambling a letter.

Just had a dream. You- Know- Who was there. He was talking to me.

He told me I was good at Occlumency and that he knew about the prophecy in the woods. I don't know what to do. I was trapped in my mind, I had to dive into the Black Lake to wake up.

I wasn't using Occlumency though. Ayúdame, por favor, ayúdame...

Le quiero los dos. (Help me, please, help me. I love you both).


Lalia settled back under her covers, knowing sleep would evade her, but also feeling too scared to go out into the empty Hogwarts halls. Sighing, she leaned against her backboard and watched the room around her until light began peeking through the dorm windows.

Lalia lazily followed her friends who continued to ask her if she was okay. After numerous agreements, Lalia decided she could not handle the questions anymore. 

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