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The next day, a crying Hermione had thrown herself on Lalia.

"Hermione?" The girl asked softly, but she received sobs in reply.

Lalia wrapped her arms around the girl and led her back to the empty Ravenclaw common room.

The girl sat on the couch and laid Hermione down in her lap.

"Shh, Mione. Tell me what happened," she said softly, rubbing the girl's back.

"They hate me. Harry received a Firebolt for Christmas, but it was unmarked. So, I told Professor McGonagall; we both think Sirius Black sent it. She confiscated it to check it for curses and now they both hate me."

Lalia ran her hands through Hermione's hair.

"Good. Who cares what they think! They couldn't recognize a caring compassionate friend if it smacked them in the face. Harry has an incredible number of enemies that could be from any of them if not Sirius. You did the right thing," Lalia comforted her.

Hermione sat up to look at her. "You think so?"

"I know it. Those boys are idiots. They'll realize you were right and forgive you."

Hermione wiped the tears under her eyes and thanked Lalia.

The girls spent the remaining days of their holidays constantly together. They were inseparable. Lalia had even begun to help Hermione research information for Hagrid's hippogriff's trial that she had told Lalia about. The girls were together so late into the night that they often stayed the night at each other's dormitories.

Lalia was in bed reading a book about hippogriff trials when she was distracted.

"Lalia!" screamed Morag in the doorway. Lalia stood on her bed and jumped off it to hug the redhaired girl.

They screamed about their adoration for the Christmas gifts they had gotten each other and how much they had missed one another.

They were still hugging when another voice pulled them apart.

"Are you two a thin-" Sue had been unable to finish her joke as the girls rushed to begin hugging her.

The three were squealing questions and answers at one another as they remained jumping and hugging in their circle.

Finally, with big smiles on their faces the girls separated and made their way out of the tower and down the stairs to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Oh, also boys are stupid and Hermione is going to be spending time with us," Lalia said, noticing the curly haired girl waiting by the entrance to the hall. Hermione had decided to eat at the Ravenclaw table to avoid her two supposed friends as much as possible.

She saw the girl nervously smile at Sue and Morag as she twisted her hands while they approached. Morag continued walking forward and threw an arm around Hermione's shoulders.

"Tell me what those absolute idiots did," she said, causing Hermione to giggle.

Morag led them to the end of the Ravenclaw table where Hermione and Lalia sat on one side and the other two opposite.

"Hi Sue," said Terry Boot as Sue sat down next to him. "How was your holiday?"

He seemed to lean towards the girl almost in excitement for her answer or possibly just her attention.

"Hi, Terry! It was good. I visited my grandma, she went back to her hometown in-"

"Sue has a massive crush on Terry," Lalia informed Hermione.

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