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Lalia focused on her exams for the next few days. Her and the girls had formed late night study groups in either the Ravenclaw or Gryffindor common room often.

Lalia was breezing through her exams, but she reached a snag in Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Her potion had gone a bright red color instead of the soft orange it was suppose to be. She was able to get it to the desired color, but not before Snape had marked her down for her mistake.

In her dad's class, she had done great on the sort of obstacle course he had set up, until she set foot into the old trunk with the boggart. She was used to the image of her father coming at her, but she had been startled when Sirius Black had appeared with Harry hanging from his hands. She screamed and Remus had started to step towards the trunk before slowly his breathing and waiting for her to come out.

Shakily remembering where she was, she raised her wand and muttered the spell turning her father into a tiny black puppy chasing his tail, causing her to giggle through the tears in her eyes.

She climbed out of the trunk and smiled at her dad proudly.

She looked back at the line of students, waving to the golden trio before leaving to go eat lunch in the Great Hall.

After lunch, she met back up with Harry and Ron so they could go to their last exam, which was Divination.

They were forced to wait on the stairs and landing below Professor Trelawney's classroom as she gave every student the exam individually.

The three were last when Neville clambered down the ladder saying, "She says the crystal ball's told her that if I tell you, I'll have a horrible accident!"

"That's convenient," snorted Ron. "You know, I'm starting to think Hermione was right about her, she's a right old fraud."

"Yeah. Wish she'd hurry up... ," Harry said.

"Ronald Weasley," said the familiar misty voice.

Lalia and Harry sat on the ground waiting for their friend. Lalia was shaking though she told the boy it was from the draft in the tower and not that it was due to her fear of what she would see. Her head was on Harry's shoulder as he supported her.

The ladder came down and Ron returned to their sight.

"How'd it go?" Harry asked, standing up and offering Lalia his hand.

"Rubbish," said Ron. "Couldn't see a thing, so I made some stuff up. Don't think she was convinced, though... ."

"Meet you in the common room," Harry said as Professor Trelawney called, "Lalia Black." Ron went down the stairs and Lalia let go of Harry's hand before climbing up the ladder.

"Good day, my dear," Professor Trelawney said when she reached the top. "If you would kindly gaze into the Orb... . Take your time, now ... then tell me what you see within it... ."

Lalia sat down next to the woman and stared at the misty smoke in the ball. It was moving slowly around and she breathed deeply, pressing her hands against the cold floor to calm herself down. The mist began clearing and Lalia gasped.

Trelawney leaned near the girl at the sound, but waited for her to speak.

"I... I see Harry," she said shakily. Harry was running next to what appeared to be a black dog. "With a black dog running by him, wait no, the Grim," she said, remembering that the Professor always called the dog a grim.

Trelawney scribbbled on her notepad, nodding her head patiently. The dog was suddenly her father.

"Now there's Sirius Black. Harry's screaming, but something's coming. The dementors, the dementors are everywhere."

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