☆Chapter Fifteen

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   I stepped out of the taxi cab clutching my bags as I pushed the door closed with my free hand. My thoughts were running wild and images of Leah floated back to life. Five years later and she was still beautiful, stunning actually.

   "Awww honey why're you crying?"

   I didn't realize the thin blanket of tears that now coated my face. I blushed a little as my husband dabbed at my showing emotion and continued into the house.

   "How was your day?" He asked in his adorable English accent

   "It was decent"

   He ran his hand through the thick blonde hair that lay ruffled on his head. "Hopefully your day wasnt as stressful as mine"

   I gave him my best smile and made my way to the kitchen counter, dialing my sisters number.

Leah's POV

   "I saw her Elle, I made small talk she barely returned it, I think she noticed me too" My breathing had picked up and I just knew my blood pressure was rising

   "Okay take a deep breath it's not that serious .. what -"

   "She had on a wedding ring" I didnt mean to blurt out that bit of information but Elle didnt understand that no matter what she said would not put me at ease. "Elle? You still there?" I could hear her sighing on the other end.

  "Yea im here I just..... I just dont know what to say. She's married"

   "She's married" I repeated


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