☆Chapter Twenty One

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   I groaned as I rolled over slamming my fist against the alarm clock. Rubbing the crumbs from my eyes, I got up taken aback by the smell of my morning breath after yawning.

   I whimpered as the hot water enveloped me and I tried to avoid getting my toothbrush soaked while I brushed my teeth in the shower. A light knock was heard at the door before the creak of it being opened and closed. Lianne was completely naked and for some reason this annoyed me.

   "You don't like it"

   I guess she saw my failed attempt at discreetly rolling my eyes because a light blanket of tears cascaded down her face. Stepping out, I wrapped my towel around me before pulling her into a hug. "You're beautiful" I whispered into her ear gently nibbling on it. I made my way to her neck, kissing softly along her jaw. "Absolutely beautiful" I continued. She tilted her head giving me easier access to the sweet spot on her neck. I gave her one last kiss on the cheek, declining her offer to indulge in the sexual activities I knew she longed for.

   I leaned back in my chair taking a long sip of the coffee letting the burning sensation settle some of my frustration. I looked at the tenth miscall from Lianne and decided against calling back. I needed to find her.

Ms. Decosta POV

   "Leah Adams has followed you" I read those five letters maximum of twenty times before following her back and quickly closing my Twitter.

   "What has gotten you so tense?" I jumped a little as my husband slipped his hands around my waist gently rubbing my thighs in circles. "Nothing" I answered quickly, leaning into his chest. Suddenly, I pressed our lips together melting under his touch but it wasnt there anymore. I fully turned around kissing him more passionately this time, waiting for the fireworks to come.

   "What has gotten into you?" He pulled away looking at me questioningly.

   "Unfortunately nothing"

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