If You Need Help

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After school finally ended Danny went straight to his locker to get rid of his books so he could leave. As he did Richard seemed to suddenly appeared at his side, "You look like you really want to go home."

"I don't have a home and I just want to get out of here."

Danny closed his locker and headed for the exit, Richard immediately followed, "So what's on your mind?"

Danny wished he could tell him there was nothing but they both knew there was, "I'm trying to hunt down a blood thirsty murderer."

"Okay yeah when you say it like that it was kind of obvious, but you know if you ever need help you can just call."

"Right, call the heroes that are supposed to be hunting me and ask for help."

"How can you be so sarcastic?"

"I've been all over the country and put into a lot of abusive foster homes and orphanages with nothing but my own anger and wit to get me through it."

"Okay you're being really blunt right now."

"I'm slightly annoyed and done with all this bullshit at the moment."

Richard sighed and held his hand, "Look, I known things are crazy for you right now but my offer still stands, I don't care what it is if you need help just call."

Danny was quiet for a second, "As much as I hate to say it that does make me feel a little better."

"What do you mean you hate to say it?"

"Just keep walking I don't want to be here any longer then I have to."

Richard smiled a little and they walked out of the school, they let go of each other's hands when the others walked over. Artemis spoke, "So, going to look for a killer again tonight Danny."

"Every night I don't people are pretty much guaranteed to die so yes."

Richard spoke, "You're very negative today."

"That's kind of my whole thing, the pessimistic angry kid that can kick your ass in a fight, or did I not make that obvious enough for you?"

Barbara spoke, "No you made that very clear, you just seemed more blunt then usual."

"It's been a long few weeks."

None of them could argue with that, Danny had to deal with a lot since he got to Gotham and he might not have told them everything either. Isabella spoke, "Are you okay?"

"Anyone asks me if I'm okay and I will punch something."

Toxin spoke, 'You are not in a good mood.'

"No I'm not in a good mood and you know why."

'You are annoyed and tired and would like to not deal with anyone for a while but you don't think that's likely to happen.'

"That is exactly it buddy so please, don't."

'I wasn't going to, but you are taking a nap.'

"I can't say no anyway so fine."

'Wise move.'

The others looked very confused aside from Richard who was smiling just a little, if anyone could help Danny it was Toxin. Lucas spoke, "Um, we should probably go home."

Richard spoke, "That's probably a good idea."

Artemis looked at Isabella, "I'll call you later."

Isabella nodded and Danny rolled his eyes and started walking away so his two foster siblings followed, though Danny didn't consider them family in any sense. They got back to the foster home and Danny dropped his backpack on the floor of his room and laid on his bed. He was so done with people today but he knew he still had to be around people which was not a fun thought to him.

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