I Hate This

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Danny felt horrible, it was currently the middle of the night and he couldn't sleep, he'd already eaten and now he felt sick. He was sweating and it felt way too warm to him which wasn't normal at all, he really hated this. He got up and headed toward the bathroom, he at least needed to bring the fever down because it was getting worse.

He turned on the water in the bathtub and let it fill up with cold water, Toxin spoke, 'What are you doing?'

"The fever's getting too high, I need to bring my temperature down."

Danny took off his clothes and waited for the bathtub to fill up more, then he turned off the water and got in. He ignored the cold and laid down in the water, he let himself get used to the temperature. He looked at the ceiling and Toxin clearly wasn't happy, 'You had a nightmare.'

That was true, Danny went to sleep after dinner and had a nightmare, he woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Danny sighed, "And?"

'You are haunted by those who hurt you, now you won't let others get close to you.'

"Everyone hurts you in the end, I'm not giving them a chance to hurt me."

'But you have not hurt me, and I do not want to hurt you, and those people that keep speaking to you do not seem to want to hurt you either.'

Danny growled to himself and got out of the water, he at least felt better now so he dried off and got dressed before going back to bed. He made sure to open the window a little to keep the room cooler and he closed his eyes to sleep. The next morning he drug himself out of bed, he felt better then he did yesterday but he was still sick.

He barely talked to anyone, he was in a bad mood and if someone said one wrong thing he was sure he would snap. He made sure he brought food he could eat when Toxin got hungry and hoped this would go away soon. He was only half way through the week and he had some problems he could easily do without.

When he finally got to school he opened his locker and dropped off his stuff, "Danny?"

Danny slammed his locker shut and looked at Richard, "What?"

Richard looked a bit surprised by his anger, "Did something happen?"

"No, but I can barely stop myself from snapping as it is so any of the normal questioning or general fake friend bullshit and I will make you wish you never met me."

Danny started walking down the hall and Richard stared at him in shock before running after him. He stood in front of Danny to stop him, "You think we're pretending to be your friends?"

"I don't remember ever saying we were friends."

Danny walked past him again and Richard just stood there, by the time he turned around Danny was gone. Danny went into the nearest bathroom and he shook his head, his vision was blurry and he couldn't breathe. He walked over to the sink and turned the water on, he splashed it on his face and tried to breathe.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, "What the hell is going on?"

Toxin spoke, 'You are ill and stressed, it is making you worse.'

Danny growled to himself, "I need to get out of here."

Danny quickly checked the bathroom to make sure no one else was there, when he was sure he was alone he transformed and teleported. He ended up in a park and he sat under a tree, thankfully it was a cool day so it brought his temperature down just a little. He sat there for about half an hour until he felt better, he knew going back to school wouldn't be good.

He wouldn't go back for the rest of the day, both for his sake and for Toxin since he was trying to stop him from getting worse. Toxin finally broke the silence, 'You should rest.'

Danny sighed, "Fine, but I don't like it."

Danny stood up and teleported, he appeared in the foster house and he transformed back before laying down on his bed. Meanwhile, Richard was in class and he was worried, Danny wasn't there and he hadn't looked too good the last time he saw him. When class finally got out he texted Danny and when he saw Izzy in the hallway he asked her if she'd heard anything.

She hadn't and that worried him a lot, Danny was half asleep when his phone went off and he checked it. He'd gotten a text from Richard, 'Where are you?'

He sighed before responding, 'Not at school.'

A few minutes later he got a reply, 'I know, that's why I'm asking, are you okay?'

'I'm at the damn foster house so calm the fuck down.'

When Richard read his text he sighed in relief, he sent a quick reply before telling Izzy who he was sure would tell her parents. Danny read the reply, 'Just try to get some rest, you might not think we're friends but I still think of you as one.'

Danny frowned slightly when he saw it but he didn't reply, he pulled the covers up more and Toxin spoke, 'He is wrong, you do think of him as a friend.'

Danny sighed, "It's better if he doesn't think I do."

'You do not really believe that.'

Danny didn't respond, he started to drift off to sleep again when he heard the front door open and his first thought was that someone broke in. He got up and was ready to fight whoever was stupid enough to break in, when he saw Mary at the door he paused. She looked at him and sighed in relief, "When the school called John and I got worried, I'm glad you came back."

He took a step back, he had no idea how he was supposed to respond since she had to be lying. She walked up to him and felt his forehead, she looked worried, "You're burning up, I'll make you something to eat and then you should get some sleep."

Danny glared at her, "Don't give me that fake motherly bullshit."

He walked up the stairs to his room and Mary just stared in shock, Danny laid down again and Toxin seemed a bit frustrated. 'You are the most stubborn person I have ever seen.'

"If you don't like it I'm sure you could find someone else to be your host."

'You may be stubborn but I am not leaving.'

Danny paused, he didn't respond and a few minutes later there was a light knock on his door and Mary walked in. She set a bowl and a glass of water on the nightstand, she sighed, "Danny, I know this is hard but we all want to help."

Danny glared at the wall, "I've heard that one before."

Mary frowned, "John and I know about your past foster homes, and the orphanage, but I promise we don't want to hurt you."

Danny sat up and glared at her, "I don't care about your damn promises, I've heard promises like that from all the others and they all lied." Mary's eyes started to tear up and Danny turned away, "Leave me alone."

Mary stood there for a few seconds before she walked over to the door, she started to close it but she stopped. "I'm here whenever you need me."

She then closed the door and Danny felt something on his face, he was crying, he growled to himself and wiped the tears away. He glanced at what Mary brought him, a bowl of leftover soup from dinner last night and a glass of water. He sighed before he grabbed the bowl of soup, every time he snapped at the people fostering him they got angry, Mary just looked sad.

He hated this, he hated not knowing what they were going to do and he hated the fights he kept having with himself. He didn't want to be here, it was easier when he was living on the streets and depended on himself to survive, him being alone was better for everyone.

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