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Phantom stayed out with Toxin for hours until it eventually got dark, he'd gotten food from somewhere cheap and stopped what few crimes he came across. It hadn't been dark for very long before he got a text from Richard, he asked him to come to the mountain. He thought about not going but Richard sent him a second text saying the team was gone aside from him, Artemis, and Barbara.

Apparently Batman was there but he swore he wasn't going to attack him, Phantom didn't entire believe him but decided to go anyway. As he started heading there Toxin spoke, 'Why do you think he wants to speak with us?'

"Not sure, he's either mad or it's something serious he thinks we need to know about."

'I do not have a good feeling about it.'

"And your feelings have rarely been wrong so far, if ever, so we'll be careful."

Toxin seemed content with that, they soon arrived at the place where they when in before and found Robin there. Robin smiled when he saw them, "I was kind of worried you wouldn't come."

"We thought about it, so what is this about?"

Robin shrugged, "I don't know but Batman said it was important, but I wanted to give you this first."

Robin handed him something and Phantom looked at it, it was a leather jacket, Phantom stared at it. Robin looked a little nervous, "It's to replace your jacket, since your sleeve is gone, it doesn't have a hood but this was the best choice I had."

Phantom was surprised, then he took off his jacket without a word and put the new one on, "If this one gets messed up don't blame me."

Robin smiled brightly, "I'll just get you another one, now we should go before Batman gets impatient."

"He can get impatient all he wants it doesn't change anything."

Robin sighed and went through the zeta tube, Phantom went in after him and Artemis spoke, "Took you long enough."

"Not my fault that I don't like getting called over out of the blue without being given a reason."

None of them could say anything about that, Batman finally spoke up, "I found something you'll want to look at."

"I hope you know how vague that is, and your history of being vague with us has not gone well for you."

Batman was quiet for a second, "Aqualad told me about what happened when they were with you yesterday. I asked commissioner Gordon to tell me about anything they found, the police questioned the child."

"I know, I checked on him and he was crying so I assume he wasn't too happy about losing a leg."

Batman was quiet again, "The doctors say he'll be okay, he was very upset, but he asked about you."

"The fuck?"

"He was barely conscious and remembers you carrying him into the hospital."

Phantom was getting annoyed, "This isn't what you wanted to talk about so get to the point, I'm still pissed so don't make it worse."

Batman sighed quietly, "He talked about being attacked by a monster, police looked into it further and managed to find these images on some nearby cameras, I wanted to see if you knew anything about them."

Batman pulled up the images and Phantom got closer to look at them, it took a second to figure out what it was. As soon as he did Toxin growled, he took over and punched the nearest wall, he was shaking from how angry he was. Everyone took a few steps back when they saw it, Toxin was breathing hard and after a few seconds he looked at Robin.

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