The World Sucks

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It was finally lunch time, Richard had been giving him worried glances but any time Danny would look at him he turned away. Danny was just glad the day was over half way done, he figured out that he had a fever and he did feel sick. Danny whispered to Toxin, "Why am I sick?"

'Until your body is more used to me you will be sick, I am trying to fix it but it will take time.'

Danny groaned and stabbed his food before eating, since Toxin apparently needed food he'd just eat. Not even a minute later the others sat at the table with him and he looked annoyed, "How long are you going to keep doing this until you give up?"

Isabella smiled, "As long as it takes."

Danny looked very irritated now and Barbara spoke, "Danny, you look sick."

"Okay, the next person that tells me I look sick is going to the hospital in an ambulance."

They could tell that he wasn't kidding, Toxin spoke, 'You are a very angry person.'

He wanted to respond but stopped himself, that wouldn't end well for him so he'd wait until he was alone or in class. Danny had already eaten all of his food and he could tell that Toxin was still hungry, apparently Symbiotes ate a lot. Danny rubbed his eyes and he resolved not to do anything today, he didn't care about classes and felt like passing out.

Toxin was getting a bit restless, he really was hungry and Danny couldn't take it so he got up and left the lunchroom. He went into the nearest bathroom and spoke, "Can you chill out?"

'I am hungry.'

Danny sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Look, I'll get you more food but you need to cool it."

Toxin grumbled and Danny shook his head, it hadn't even been a day and this was already causing problems. Danny went to his locker and got some food, he only had it in case he needed it and from the looks of it he really needed it. It was at least enough to get Toxin to calm down a bit so by the time the bell rang to get to class he was somewhat content.

Though the sound of the bell annoyed the two a lot they'd only have to deal with it a few more times and then they could leave. They went to their next class and Richard kept giving Danny worried looks which Toxin said were warranted. Danny was actually sweating a little which hadn't happened since he became half ghost, this was not good.

When the day was finally over Danny went to his locker to put all of his books in his locker, he refused to do his homework or anything else. Richard had followed him and so had the others, they were annoying Danny to no end today. Isabella spoke, "Danny, you're really sick, did you do something?"

Danny bit back a growl, if you counted getting infected by a Symbiote as something he did then yes but he definitely wasn't telling them that. He glared at her, "Why are you even asking, none of you actually give a shit and I'm done talking about this."

They all stared at him in shock and they almost looked hurt, Danny didn't wait for a response and left the school. Toxin spoke quietly, 'You really believe they don't care don't you?'

Danny whispered, "You're in my head you know my answer."

'When a host is adjusting to a Symbiote they're often delirious, they can become irrational and don't think properly.'

"That isn't what's going on, if you're in my head you can see my memories so look at them and figure out what's going on."

Danny could feel Toxin do just that, while he did he heard Artemis yell his name and he stopped long enough to glare at them. He crossed the street, climbed over the fence, and walked through the alley, he went to the foster home and locked himself in his room. Toxin had been quiet the whole time, like he was processing what he'd seen when he looked through Danny's memories.

Danny laid on his bed and sighed, Toxin finally spoke, 'You hate people because no one has ever been kind to you before.'

Danny was quiet for a second, "It's not just that."

'You did nothing wrong and people treated you like you were a monster, they hurt you when you did nothing to them.'

Danny stared at the ceiling, "Sometimes the world just fucking sucks, I might not have done anything but to them I was useless. I was something they were forced to deal with and to others I was a means to an end, you don't have to be bad to have bad things happen to you."

Toxin seemed to settle, like he was laying down, 'What a cruel world.'

"Do you get it now?"

Toxin nodded, 'But you are not the same way.'

Danny felt confused now, "Meaning?"

'You act like you are, you want people to stay away so you act like a bad person but you barely know me and you're helping me, you are not like them.'

Danny was silent, he felt like everything just stopped for a minute but something about what Toxin said made him happy. He couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face, the halfa rolled onto his side and decided to sleep. Meanwhile, Richard and Artemis had been texting Isabella and Lucas to make sure Danny had gone home.

They were now at the mountain and the two had confirmed that Danny did come back, though he only left his room to eat. They were glad he was okay though, now they were standing in front of Batman waiting to see what was going on. Batman began, "Last night a government building was broken into."

Kid Flash spoke, "Was it a team of mercenaries or something?"

"No, it was a lone assailant." Now that surprised all of them, "He wasn't seen getting in by any cameras or guards, even the sensors didn't detect him. While he was inside alarms were set off because something got out of containment and he was seen leaving."

Superboy spoke, "Then the guy was already caught."

"He wasn't caught, he managed to escape and it's believed that he stole what they had in containment."

Miss Martian looked confused, "What did they have?"

"They aren't sure, they brought it there to study it but the same night it was brought in it got stolen." Batman brought up a picture, "This is the only clear image of him they could get."

The young heroes looked at the image, there was a single figure running away from several people with blasters. He had white hair, green eyes, and wore black and white, it looked like he was a teenager so he was about their age. But they noticed that there was a strange sort of, well, they weren't sure what it was, sort of coming from him.

Batman looked at them, "This is the footage they captured." Batman started the video and the strange thing surrounding him seemed to form around him. It was mostly white but parts of it were green and it was outlined in thin black lines, almost like a suit. His eyes were white and outlined in bold black lines, but the black was jagged and the eyes had no other real details.

He ran out of frame and the video ended, Batman looked at the team, "He escaped into the woods and no one knows where he went."

Aqualad spoke, "But why do we need to know all of this?"

"Because the team will be investigating this, when you don't have another mission you will be looking into this."

The heroes were shocked, they looked at each other and they knew this wouldn't be a normal mission, Robin hoped this wouldn't end badly.

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