Go Away

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After seeing Rick, Isabella told Artemis everything and Artemis told Richard, they were both sure Lucas told Barbara. However none of them could entirely believe it, really they just didn't want to believe it, but now they had even more questions. They had questions before but now it seemed like they couldn't stop coming up with new ones.

Mary told Isabella that Danny wasn't going to school that day, after what happened yesterday she thought it'd be best to have him stay home for the day. Lucas knocked on his door earlier that morning, if Danny didn't answer Lucas was going to figure out how to get the door open to make sure Danny was still there.

Thankfully Danny answered with, "I am going to break something if you keep bothering me, go away."

Lucas sighed in relief before quickly texting Barbara to let her know that Danny was still there so she didn't need to tell her dad to call a man hunt. He told Isabella who texted Artemis who then informed Richard, Danny still didn't feel like talking. Isabella and Lucas were dropped off at school, then the twins, then John and Mary went to work.

After Richard got to school he texted Danny, 'Hey, how's it going?'

Richard didn't expect Danny to respond, and definitely not right away, but Danny surprised him once again. 'I got into a fight with a bunch of kids, started bleeding, had to stop the bleeding, left the school, unintentionally revealed my scars, and I refuse to go to school today, how do you think?'

Richard read the text twice before responding, 'Okay, I honestly didn't expect you to respond. I know yesterday wasn't exactly a good day but you know none of us care about your scars right?'

'But I do, I'm still pissed about all of that, including that you saw them.'

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but I won't even mention them again if you don't want me to.'

Richard waited for a few minutes, just when he thought Danny wasn't going to respond he did. 'Look, I don't entirely hate my scars, I just don't like it when people keep asking about them, so if you do I swear I will end you.'

Richard couldn't help but laugh a little, 'You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, just don't run away or break anything please, I have to go to class.'

'No promises.'

Richard smiled a little before going into his first class, he was still worried but at least he didn't just say to leave him alone. Richard texted Danny throughout the day to make sure he was okay but tried not to bother him too much. It hadn't exactly been a good week for Danny so he wasn't in a good mood and Richard didn't want to make it worse.

After school Isabella and Lucas went home and went to check on Danny, he still wanted them to leave him alone but he seemed less irritated. He didn't want to leave his room so when it was time for dinner Mary left him some food outside his door. When she came back it was gone which made her happy, after Danny ate he waited until it was a little later before leaving.

He went to the base and watched, they hadn't added anything to their security measures so Danny snuck inside. He went into the security room and looked at what they had done inside, they had more cameras and guards as well as some sensors. They wouldn't be too much of a problem so he just needed to make sure he knew the guards patterns and routines.

Then he had to memorize where the cameras and sensors were and he'd have no problem sneaking in when the time came. He only had four more days to wait and then he could figure out what they were planning and leave, he could last four more days. He went back to the foster home after that and went to sleep, he felt tired after everything that had happened.

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