You Were There

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When the group finally got to the foster home Danny went to his room, he looked out the window and didn't see anyone. He still felt like he was being watched, like someone was out there that was just out of sight and he didn't like it. He changed into normal clothes and Toxin spoke, 'Who could be watching you?'

"Not sure, there are a lot of suspects but it could be a stranger too, and they might not be watching me specifically."

'Whether they are or not I do not like it, what should we do?'

"Keep an eye out for now, we can't risk them hurting any of the others, especially with more people around."

'Fine, but I do not like this.'

Danny agreed with him but he couldn't do much if he wasn't even sure he was being followed, he needed to be careful. Twenty minutes later he heard Mary downstairs, she just came home with Emma and Liam. He heard John a few minutes later and he kept glancing out the window, Toxin decided to fix his headache because it was getting worse.

It didn't help his mood at all though, he could deal with a headache but he couldn't do much against this possible stalker. Another ten minutes passed before Mary called him down, he didn't want to go but they'd ask questions if he didn't. He went downstairs and Mary made snacks, both for the twins and for the ones currently sleeping over.

Danny didn't know why she called him down until Isabella saw him and smiled, "You should come join us Danny."

Danny got a bit irritated considering he didn't want any part in this, he had a better vantage upstairs but that was on the side of the house. He could see the front better if he looked out the window in the living room, he didn't get to decide before she pulled him into the living room. He snatched his arm away, "Do that again and you won't like what happens."

Isabella didn't seem to believe him but she should have, he sat on the couch since it was next to the window. Richard sat next to him, "Are you okay?"

"Are you seriously going to ask me that?"

Richard wasn't sure how to respond, he knew Danny had been irritated all day but every since they walked to the house something seemed to be bothering him. They all decided to watch a movie and Danny didn't seem to be paying attention to it, he kept looking out the window. When the movie was over it was almost time for dinner so they all got up and a few minutes later they started eating.

Danny sat in silence as he ate and Toxin spoke, 'They are still out there, I do not like this.'

If Danny could talk to him he'd agree, he didn't know who they were or what they wanted but he wasn't going to let them hurt anyone. When they were done eating they went back into the living room and Danny stood near the window. He swore he saw a dark shadow when he walked over to the window so he kept watching outside.

Isabella and Lucas were trying to think of something to do and Artemis and Barbara tried to help them but Richard kept glancing at Danny. Lucas looked at Danny, "Hey Danny, want to help us decide on what to do?"


Artemis looked at him, "What's got you in a bad mood this time?"

"Do I really need to remind you that I didn't want any part in this, I'd rather be anywhere else."

Barbara spoke, "But you're still here."

"I hadn't planned on it."

They were all silent for a few seconds before Isabella looked at him, "Danny, I know you haven't had good luck with foster homes. Your family might not have been very good either but we get it," She sighed, "The twins parents were put in jail and they were taken. Lucas's mom died and his dad drank and neglected him, my parents did drugs, a lot, they never hurt me but I was scared that they would, so we get it."

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