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The weekend came and went, Danny barely left his temporary room and didn't talk a whole lot, it seemed like something else was on his mind. Of course he wouldn't tell anyone about it and they all felt like they were treading on thin ice as it was. Now it was Monday and they had school, but more then that it was the start of Danny's second week.

Since they now knew that he'd never gone to a school for more then a few days since he was twelve, they took it as a win. Danny, however, didn't seem to be in a celebratory mood, granted he seemed to be in a better mood then normal but still. He barely said a word and would stare at something blankly unless something took him out of his own head.

By the time the end of the day rolled around Isabella, Lucas, Richard, Artemis, and Barbara were all worried. After school ended Richard found Danny at his locker, he was a bit nervous but spoke anyway, "Hey, is something wrong?"

Danny paused and he thought about how much he should tell Richard, the less he knew the better. He spoke slowly, "It's complicated."

Richard did his best to smile, "Then you can tell me about it when it's less complicated."

Danny almost felt bad because if everything went like it was supposed to he wouldn't be going back to the foster home. He definitely wouldn't be coming back here, the two walked out of the school together and found the others outside. Artemis said she was going to start walking home, Barbara's dad was there to pick her up, and Richard's ride was waiting for him.

He almost felt like he should say something as he watched them walk away, this would be the last time he saw them. But he didn't, he let them walk away without saying anything, it was better this way, it's not like they would miss him when he was gone anyway. Isabella and Lucas said that they should go home too and it annoyed him, he didn't have a home.

They walked back to the foster home and Danny went to the room he'd been staying in so he could think. He'd memorized the entire building's layout, all the shift changes, all the patrol routes, even the positions of the cameras. The shipment was being delivered tonight, he needed to get in and find out what they were hiding before getting back out.

He had one shot at this, he couldn't mess it up, not when he was so close to finally being able to leave. For a brief second he thought that he didn't want to leave, he got rid of the idea, he refused to get held back by people that were just going to hurt him. So he got ready to head out, he wouldn't need much, once he left he wasn't planning on coming back.

He waited until it was night and everyone was asleep before leaving through the window, there was no turning back now. He made his way to the facility, he didn't have to wait long for the truck to arrive, it drove into the facility and the shipment was taken off the truck. He started heading in, he transformed and got to the large fence around the building.

It was electrified but that wasn't a problem for him, he climbed over and landed on the ground without anyone seeing him. He hid while he waited for two guards to pass before quickly running to one of the side doors, the camera turned away and he got inside. Now he needed to find the shipment, he was sure it was going to the lab which was on the second floor on the opposite side of the building.

He ducked into a room and two guards went outside to guard the door he'd just come in through. He made his way down the hall and hid below a camera so it wouldn't see him, when it turned away he made a break for it. He was almost to the stairs, he hid in a dark corner while two more guards passed and reached the stairs. He hid under them when a camera panned to where he was, when it looked away he jumped onto the railing to get to the second floor.

He didn't have enough time to just climb the stairs and this was the quickest way to get up without risking getting caught. Now to get to the lab, Danny made his way through the halls to the lab when he heard more guards coming, they were early. He looked around and tried the door of the nearest room, locked, he tried the second door as they were about to round the corner.

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