Make Me

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Danny had just gotten to the foster home with Isabella and Lucas, his hand kind of hurt and he didn't want to be around anyone right now. He walked up to his temporary room and laid on the bed, just lying there in the quiet room helped him relax. Hours passed as he just laid there and someone eventually knocked on the door saying it was time for dinner.

Danny really didn't want to go but he knew the others would bother him if he didn't so he got up and went downstairs. He sat down and didn't pay attention to a single thing being said, he didn't even touch his food. Mary noticed, she looked at John and subtly indicated the obviously irritated teen who hadn't said a word.

John took a breath before speaking to Danny, "So, Danny, how was school?"

He just glared at John and Mary spoke, "Are you going to eat Danny?"

He was just getting more irritated, the other kids could feel the tension, Liam and Emma glanced at each other. John tried again, "Have you made any friends at school?"

Danny was getting even angrier, he was holding his own arm so tightly that his hand started to bleed again. Mary gave Danny a slightly sad look, "Danny, I know this isn't easy for you but you can talk to us-."

She was cut off when Danny stood up and slammed his hands on the table causing the entire thing to shake. He stood up so quickly that his chair crashed to the floor and the other kids jumped when it all happened. Danny glared at them, "Don't ever assume you know anything about me."

They were all silent, none of them knew what to say, Danny knew if he stayed he was probably going to do something he might regret. He turned away and headed straight to the front door, Isabella stood up, "Danny, where are you going?"

"Who the fuck cares?" He left and slammed the door behind him, his hand was really starting to hurt now but he ignored it. He teleported somewhere in Gotham and just walked, he didn't know where he was going or how long he walked, he just kept going.

However he was stopped when someone pulled him into an alley and he was getting irritated again. There were three guys in front of him, one had a gun and the other two had knives which didn't impress Danny at all. The one with the gun spoke, "Okay kid, hand over everything you've got and we might let you walk out of here."

Danny looked at the three, they were about nineteen, maybe twenty, and they were obviously new to this because they weren't wearing masks. Danny rolled his eyes, "First, I don't have anything, second, you'd be stupid to let me walk away. I've seen your faces, I could give the police your description and they'd track you down, you really should wear masks.

The two with knives seemed to panic a little but the one with the gun seemed to just get angry and he pointed his gun right at Danny. "You better shut your mouth kid."

Danny was losing his patience, "I've dealt with guys like you before, you don't scare me, if you're going to shoot me then shoot me."

Now he seemed a bit shaken, "What?"

"You heard me, shoot me, unless of course you've just been bluffing this whole time."

Now the guy was getting a little angry again and he clicked the safety on his gun off, the other two looked shocked. He glared at Danny, "Shut up."

"Make me." That was all it took for the guy to shoot, Danny dodged the shot but it still grazed his shoulder and it started bleeding more then he would have liked it to. He honestly hadn't thought he'd shoot him but he couldn't really worry about that at the moment.

He was about to attack the bastard that shot him when a figure came out of nowhere and disarmed the guy with the gun before knocking him out. The other two dropped their knives and ran away, Danny used the time to look at the wound. It was deep enough that it would need stitches, he'd have to take care of it before going back to the foster home.

When Danny looked back he saw that it was none other then Robin that had knocked the guy out. He wasn't in the mood to deal with muggers much less heroes, as long as Batman wasn't with him he could handle it. Robin immediately turned to him, "Are you okay I-." He cut himself off, he'd actually sounded worried, he cleared his throat, "I mean, um, are you okay?"

Danny glared at him, "Why the hell do you care?"

Robin seemed to pause for a minute, "Well, I am a hero and if I didn't care I wouldn't help people."

Danny just glared at him even more before pushing past him, Robin put a hand on his shoulder to stop him, "Hold on-." Danny hit his hand off his shoulder and Robin's eyes widened when he saw his injury, "Sorry, I didn't realize you were hurt." Danny glared at him before walking away and Robin followed him, "Look, I'm sorry if I hurt you but you need to go to the hospital."

Danny turned around and glared at Robin, "I'm not going to a fucking hospital, I'd honestly rather die."

Robin looked shocked, "But you need help, do you seriously think dying is better then going to the hospital?"

"I don't care if it's better or not, I'm not going and if you try to make me I will hurt you."

Robin looked only slightly angry now, "I just want to help, why won't you even listen to me?"

"Because I didn't ask for your help, I don't want your help, and I definitely don't want help from a so called hero."

Danny turned to walk away but Robin stopped him, "What does me being a hero have to do with this?"

Danny growled, Robin couldn't hear it but he was obviously pissed, "Because I hate heroes, you're all a bunch of stuck up bastards that only do shit like this because it makes you look good."

Robin looked a little hurt now, "That's not true."

"Could have fooled me."

"But it's not, I didn't become a hero because I thought it would be fun or as a way to become famous. I did it because I didn't want anyone else to get hurt, I wanted to protect the people I care about."

Danny glared at him, "Well I'm not one of those people, so leave me alone."

Danny turned and walked away, Robin looked like he was going to go after him again but thought better of it. Danny walked for a few minutes and he eventually sighed, he didn't know why but he regretted saying all of that to Robin. Something about him seemed familiar but it wasn't clicking in his brain which just frustrated him.

He stitched his arm up and he guessed that it was probably midnight, at least, and decided to go back to the foster home. When he got there he noticed that the lights were still on and when he walked through the door everyone was still awake. The twins ran up to him and his still healing bullet wounds practically screamed in protest.

Emma looked at him, "You're back!"

Liam spoke, "We thought you ran away."

Danny mumbled to himself, "I'm starting to wish I did."

John looked at the twins, "Emma, Liam, personal space."

The two let go of him and Mary gave him a small smile, "We're glad your back Danny."

He glared at her, "I have a hard time believing that." He then quickly left and went to his temporary room, he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. He laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while before eventually closing his eyes and going to sleep.

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