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After another half hour the others finally left the dress shop, then they decided they wanted to look at accessories. Instead of getting them from the dress shop they went to another store, one with nice jewelry that wasn't too expensive. Isabella, Artemis, and Barbara were the ones that needed more accessories, according to them.

Danny really didn't see the point but while Lucas stayed with the girls to try and help them Richard took him to look at ties. They'd decided not to get the ties from the shop since it was expensive to begin with so they were going to get them here. Danny just picked one that went along with the color scheme of the suit, even though he didn't want to wear it at all.

And of course the girls insisted on getting shoes which they'd also decided to get somewhere else. After taking two hours to decide on accessories and another hour for shoes along with half an hour getting makeup it was starting to get late. It was about seven so the sun was going down and there weren't many people on the street now.

Thankfully the girls didn't get a whole lot of stuff despite taking so long to shop and they were more then happy to carry the bags themselves. Danny was glad about one thing, movies weren't very accurate about how girls shopped. Maybe they were for some of them but the three girls he had to deal with didn't need or want anyone to carry their things.

Toxin spoke, 'Finally, I am hungry, we need food.'

Danny had to resist the urge to smile, he could always count on Toxin to speak his mind, especially about food. They agreed to go to the foster house and the others would get home from there, Danny was just glad they were done shopping. It was getting dark and before long there was barely any sunlight left, Danny wasn't happy about it either.

Of course they all knew how dangerous Gotham could be at night but none of them were too worried. Isabella and Lucas were but they were being distracted by Artemis and Barbara who were joking with them and getting their minds off it. They thought they might actually get home fine, but they were proven wrong when they heard a voice, "Anyone screams and he dies."

They turned around quickly and found a guy holding a knife to Danny's throat, the guy looked serious, Danny looked irritated. Two more guys came out of the shadows and a second spoke, "Give us everything of value you've got and he goes free."

Isabella and Lucas looked nervous but none of them were too concerned after seeing the look on Danny's face. Artemis spoke, "You guys chose the worst hostage."

The men looked confused, until Danny harshly stepped on the foot of the guy holding him and then smashed the back of his head into the guy's face. The guy dropped the knife and Danny grabbed the guy and flipped him over his shoulder, the guy hit the ground hard and he groaned. Danny glared at the other two men, the third put up his hands, "Uh, truce?"

Danny clearly didn't want to call a truce, the second guy ran at Danny who easily dodged the swipe of a knife and he kicked the guy in the face. When that wasn't enough he grabbed the guy's wrist and twisted his arm behind his back and forced him to the ground. Danny knocked the guy out and the third still had his hands up, Danny glared at him, "You better not be as stupid as your friends."

The guy shrugged as Artemis and Barbara leaned the other two guys against a lamp post, the third sat down under the lamp post. They used duct tape Lucas had in his school bag to stop them from running, called the police, and left. It turned out Lucas had the duct tape because he used it to make stuff, something Danny hadn't known before.

They continued walking to the foster home and Richard looked at Danny, "Are you okay, I mean your shoulder-."

Danny cut him off, "I'm fine, and the next person that asks me won't like what happens."

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