Life and Limb

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When Danny woke up the next morning he still wanted to punch something, they hadn't found the murderer. They'd checked on the boy that lost his leg before they went back to the foster home, he'd just gotten out of surgery. They were hoping he would make it but they had no idea if he would, and they were still angry at the heroes.

Danny got ready to go to school and he went to breakfast, he and Toxin hadn't eaten in a while and they were starving. When the twins didn't come down for breakfast he wondered where they were, Mary seemed to notice, "They're both sick."

Toxin spoke, 'At least they are not missing a limb.'

"Not funny."

'Sorry, but I will either break something or cover up my anger with snide remarks, I'm sure you don't want me breaking anything.'

"I'd break something too if I weren't numb with rage thinking about it."

Everyone glanced at each other, that did not sound good, Danny started eating and Isabella was the one that decided to ask. "Did something happen last night?"

"We agreed to work with them, just until this is over, and because they couldn't set their fucking egos aside for a few fucking hours a kid lost his leg."

Danny broke a cup in his hand from gripping it too hard and everyone backed up, Toxin forced the glass out and healed it. Lucas stood up, "A kid lost his leg?!"

Danny growled a little, "Cool it before the sick ones decide to see what's up, and I am not explaining this to them."

Lucas sat back down looking a little embarrassed and John spoke, "What happened?"

Danny sighed, "We agreed to work with the protege heroes to catch the murderer, we saw the murderer and went after him and they stopped up. We were pissed, then we heard a scream and we found a kid, he was missing his leg he was lucky to be alive. We took him to the hospital and told the heroes to go home, if they didn't we were going to punch at least one of them in the face."

They were all silent for a minute, then Isabella spoke, "You know, he could have saw something, the kid."

"He's in the hospital missing a leg, we're not going in and questioning him."

"But if he did see something it could help stop anyone else from getting hurt."

"I said we're not doing it."


Danny stood up, "You don't get a say in what we do, we're not fucking doing it!"

They all sat there in shocked silence, then they heard a door open and Danny just grabbed his stuff and walked out the door. He wasn't going to let someone tell him to do something when they weren't involved with the situation. They hadn't been in that situation, afraid in a hospital not knowing what was going on surrounded by doctors and having people ask you questions you didn't know how to answer.

Being in pain and feeling scared and alone not knowing what to do or what was going to happen. He wasn't putting that kid through that, the police would probably question him he could sneak in and find out what he told them but he wasn't adding to that. But he was going to make sure the kid was okay, so he transformed where no one could see him and he went invisible.

When he got to the hospital he used the computer to find the kid and make sure they hadn't moved him. He was still in the room they put him in when he got out of surgery, he knew his room had a window so he went back outside and went to it. The kid was there crying as a doctor talked to him with a couple police officers in the room, he looked scared and confused.

Toxin spoke, 'You are not okay.'

Phantom sighed, "No, I'm not, but I'm going to find whoever did this."

'We will find them, I will not let you do it alone.'

Phantom smiled a little, "I know, we'll find this guy and stop him from hurting anyone else."

With that Phantom found somewhere to turn back and he walked to school while eating some food he'd stashed in his backpack in case Toxin needed it. They hadn't eaten enough at breakfast and Danny didn't want Toxin to be hungry until it was time for lunch at school. When they got to school they had some time until they needed to go in so they waited outside and thought.

They had to find a murderer, the heroes had stopped them again and they were pissed, and Danny was annoyed that his jacket was missing a sleeve. Covered in blood was one thing but missing a sleeve fucking sucked, but he did use it to help a kid not bleed out. In the middle of Danny thinking and getting pissed all over again he heard a voice, "Danny?"

It was Richard, he looked both surprised and confused, "Why are you here so early?"

"Isabella tried to talk me into questioning that kid from last night and I left, I'm not questioning a kid that just lost his leg."

Richard wouldn't look him in the eye, "Do you know if he's okay?"

"I think he will be, we went to check on him, he was crying with a doctor and some police officers in the room. He's probably scared and in pain and wants to be anywhere but in that hospital but I think one day, probably years from now, he'll be okay."

Richard was silent, then he suddenly looked at him in shock, the shock quickly turned to sadness, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"You... you felt like that didn't you, after you were found."

"You mean after I escaped after missing for years, yeah, I did, and trust me that kid is scared out of his mind and having a bunch of strangers around doesn't help."

Richard held his hand, "I'm sorry."

"Not like you were the one that hurt me, or kidnapped me, you didn't do anything wrong."

Richard held his hand a little tighter, then he seemed to remember something, "Hey, your jacket, do you have one to replace it?"

"Nope, it was the only one I had and I'm not mentioning it to John and Mary."

Richard smiled a little, "I'll get you a new one, I have some that'll fit you that I don't use."

"You don't need to worry about it."

"Danny I'm doing it because I want to, and I'm pretty sure there's a reason you cover up your scars all the time. The team already made you mad, several times, I don't want you to get mad or upset if they stare at your scars or ask questions about them."

Richard pulled Danny to the doors of the school and went inside with him, Danny sighed, "Thanks."

Richard's smile widened, "Consider it a thank you for putting up with as much as you have from the team." Richard's smile disappeared, "Are you going to be okay around the team?"

"Give me the rest of the school day to be angry and I will try not to tear any of their throats out with my teeth the next time I see them."

Richard gave him a strange look, "That almost sounds like Toxin talking."

"No that's all me but he's just as likely to do that too."

Toxin spoke, 'More likely then you.'

"Yeah I know but right now I'm angry enough to do it too."

'I know, I can literally feel your anger.'

Danny rolled his eyes and smiled a little, Danny and Richard went to their lockers to drop off some stuff and grab the books they needed for class. When they sat at their desks for class they wanted for class to start Danny just wanted to get through school without anything happening to piss him off.

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