What I Do

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Danny got through his morning classes without anything happening, he had a feeling his entire day wouldn't go that well. When he sat down to eat his lunch he was soon joined by Richard, Barbara, Artemis, Isabella, and Lucas. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now but he didn't think leaving immediately would make them leave him alone.

If he left they'd probably just follow him and annoy him, either that or he'd make sure they couldn't follow him anymore. So when they all sat down he just kept eating, Artemis and Barbara seemed to get the sense that something was up and Lucas broke the silence. "So, um, does everyone know what happened last night?"

Danny looked at him, "You mean about the kid that lost his leg? Yeah, they know."

Lucas nodded to himself and looked like he was desperately trying to think of something to talk about. Then Isabella spoke, "You should still question him."

"I am not saying this again, I am not going to question a kid that just lost his leg."

Isabella looked mad now, "Questioning him could help you stop the murderer, you're being unreasonable."

Danny was pissed, but when he growled it was Toxin's, and he could feel his eyes cloud over, Toxin did that whenever he was angry and seconds away from taking over. Everyone froze when it happened, "It's not up to you, nothing I do when it comes to this is up to you. You don't get it, that kid is terrified, he lost his leg, he is in pain and scared in a hospital."

"He's already surrounded by strange doctors and nurses and has probably had several police officers question him. I know how that feels, he was attacked, he lost his leg, he will never be the same, he will look at his missing leg and remember what happened for the rest of his life. I don't have to question him, I have other options, I can sneak into the police station and find the reports on what happened to him."

"He's been through enough, I will not put him through even more when I don't have to. I've saved kids before, kids that were kidnapped, or injured, or had seen horrible things, I got them help, and I caught who did it. I will not be told how to do what I do by someone that hasn't done what I do, or seen some of the shit I have doing this, and if you tell me to question him again you won't like what I do."

With that Danny got up and left, he was so sick of people, whether they were trying to tell him what to do or trying to attack him or anything else they kept pissing him off. And as much as he hated to admit it but he wasn't going to leave, if nothing else he didn't want to leave Richard. He made things more bearable, and John and Mary weren't as bad as they were at first either.

Plus Artemis and Barbara had managed to get on his good side too, Isabella and Lucas pissed him off but he felt a bit responsible for them. He hadn't spent much time with the twins but they weren't that bad either, they were usually pretty happy unless they were worried about something. Admittedly ever since he got there they always seemed to be worried about him but they seemed like good kids.

So he couldn't leave, not unless something really bad happened but he honestly doubted that anything like that would happen. But right now Danny just wanted to be alone, so he ended up going to the roof of the school, it wasn't likely that anyone would follow him there. He sat down on the roof and sighed, 'I am sorry, I know this is not easy for you.'

"It would be easier if people stopped questioning my decisions or telling me what to do."

'She is just trying to help, even if she is not actually helping.'

"I know, but it's not like she even asked me why I wouldn't do it, or tried to understand why I wouldn't. People think of the end result, or they get one idea in their head and won't change it no matter what you do."

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