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After everyone parted ways Danny and Toxin looked around the city seeing if they could find any clues as to where Prior might have gone. Their search was interrupted when they got a text from Richard asking them to come to the mountain. As much as they didn't want to they didn't want to just ignore them, and they actually felt okay right now.

If they were going to go see the heroes now was the time, so they headed to the mountain and this time no one was waiting for them. They walked in and Phantom saw the team and Batman there, "Let's make this quick what do you want?"

Batman sighed and answered, "I want to know what you plan on doing now, you know who the murderer is so what are you going to do?"

"Well despite your opinions of us we won't let Prior hurt anyone else, we will find him, and we will stop him even if it kills us. But he is our problem, and we have the best chance of stopping him on our own, none of you know how to fight a Symbiote."

Aqualad spoke, "But you can not beat him on your own."

"And you think you can do anything to help? Toxin beat all of you, on his own, I didn't have to do anything, you didn't even see half of what Toxin can do. If you fight Prior he will beat you, and he will probably kill you, your best bet is staying out of our way and letting us deal with him."

Miss Martian spoke, "And what if you do die?"

"You don't know either of us so let me tell you something you didn't know, I have died before, literally. Toxin has fought almost every day of his life to stay alive, and we have both been through more shit then you know. And if we're going to die we'll die how we want to, and if this is how we go out it's definitely not the worst way to go."

The heroes looked like they wanted to keep arguing but Robin just walked over to Phantom and hugged him. Phantom was surprised but he hugged him back, Robin could feel him shaking a little. Phantom wouldn't openly admit it but he was terrified, his life was finally getting better and he was about to fight someone that could kill him.

He didn't want to die, he was scared, but if he didn't go out and do this a lot of people could die. It was silent for a minute before Toxin spoke, 'I am scared too, but if I do die there is no one else I'd rather die with. I will stay with you, I do not want to leave you and survive if you do not, it may not make you feel better, but I would gladly die with you.'

Phantom took a breath and smiled just a little, "Same here buddy, I'm not leaving, we're partners."

'To the end then.'

"Yeah, no matter what."

The heroes were quiet, Artemis and Batgirl had sad smiles on their faces and Batman stared at Robin. He'd never seen him like this, Robin had dated one or two people before but he'd never been like this with any of them. He looked like he didn't want to let Phantom go, even if there weren't a possibility of Phantom dying he didn't think Robin would want to let him go.

His thoughts were interrupted when there was a beeping noise and then a holo-screen came up and Superman was on the screen. He didn't even wait to talk, "We need backup now, there's a creature attacking in downtown Gotham, send backup immediately."

They saw Wonder Woman get thrown at Superman and when she hit him the call ended, Phantom immediately broke away from Robin and left, Robin followed him, then Artemis and Batgirl, and the rest of them went after them. The zeta tube was already downtown so they got to the location as quickly as they could.

Prior was attacking several members of the Justice League as people ran away, Phantom was about to run in when Robin grabbed his hand. "I need you to promise me you'll try to come back to me, please."

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